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Kelley's POV

It has now been 2 weeks since we lost the World Cup against Japan. Losing a huge tournament like that was difficult to wrap my head around but I had my family who helped me to take my mind off of it. I was still disappointed but I held my head high for the Olympics.

With a long sigh, I swing my legs over my bed and bury my head into my hands.

I haven't spoken to Alex ever since she went back to LA and I was here in Georgia. I missed her a lot more than I thought I would. I didn't get to talk to her on the phone as much as I would like but I don't blame her, she was with her family especially with what happened to Jeri.

I let out a sigh as I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Christen who didn't take to long to answer. Christen didn't make the World Cup Roster and I felt bad for her. She was such a good person and teammate, and she truly deserved everything good in this world. She wasn't too upset about it but I still felt bad. She did, however, make it to the Semifinals and Finals to watch the team play.

She wanted to especially watch Tobin play and I was happy that she found a relationship that she was happy in.

"Hey Kel." Christen says as she face appears on my phone screen.

"Hey, how are you? How's North Carolina?" I ask.

"It's been great. I really like it here, how about you? How's your parents?"

"We're all good."

"Have you talked to Alex?"

"No, she's been... busy." I say.

"Tobin talked to her last night, her sister got released from the hospital so they should be home now."

"How are you and Tobin by the way?" I ask.

"We're fine!" I hear Tobin say and she very briefly appeared on my phone screen. I let out a small laugh as Christen stared back at me.

"Tobin said that Alex is doing good, she just wants to spend time with family so maybe you'll talk to her soon now that her sister is back home."

"Yeah, maybe. What have you been up to?" I ask.

"The usual, soccer and yoga. And Tobin's been teaching me how to surf."

"Surf? You're scared of the ocean."

"Yeah, well, it's not too bad." Christen has with a laugh.

"She brings out the best in you, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, you can say that. I like her... she's been good to me."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that you chose to stick with girls instead of guys." I say and Christen laughs again.

"You and me both."

I talk to Christen for a few more minuets before I hung up and I was left alone in silence. Then, the front door opened and I saw my sister, Erin, walk in.

"Oh, hey Kel." She says as she sets her stuff down and sits on the couch next to me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, just... bored."

"My sister? Bored? How come you haven't gone out to do something?" Erin asks and I let out a sigh.

"There really isn't much to do."

"What about Alex?"

"What about her?"

"I mean... aren't you guys a thing?" Erin asks.

"Yeah, we are. But she's in California with her family... she's been busy." I say and Erin nods her head.

"Maybe you can go up there and see her."

"I don't know.... her sister just got released from the hospital. Timing just wouldn't be right. She's very family oriented and I don't want to... cause any problems because the last time I was seen with her by her family... things didn't end well."

"Yeah.... well, things are different now, aren't they? Our dad was wrongfully convicted so they have no reason to hate you." Erin says and she was right.

"You're right but... I don't know."

"Look, I'm not forcing you to do anything. I am just putting it out there. You love her, right?" Erin asks.

"Of course I love her."

"Then go be with her." Erin says. She kisses my forehead before she heads upstairs to her room. I let out a sigh as I go up to my room and pull out my laptop. I began to search for flights to LA, not knowing what to expect.

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