1 - The Contract

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Sanem looked at the contract in front of her. She held the pen in her hand but she hesitated signing her name. This didn't feel right.
Memories flashed before her as tears filled her eyes.
Can would never forgive her if she did this. She didn't need his forgiveness. The only reason she was here was because she needed him safe and happy. But this would crush him. She couldn't do this to him. She needed to stall until she could come up with another plan. She took a deep breath, steeling herself.
I must be brave. For Can.
She leaned back and clicked the pen closed.
"I need time," she paused "to read over this." She gestured to the contract in front of her. She looked to Fabri who gave an exasperated sigh and shook his head.
He was curt with his words. Obviously annoyed that she wasn't doing what he wanted. "No Miss Sanem. I told you. Don't press your luck. I will have this scent. As I said, the contract simply states that you are giving me this perfume with the rights to use it as I wish."

"By you transferring the shares to Alyin, you have showed that you play word games. Forgive me if I don't trust your words this time." She stood up, willing her legs not to tremble as she did. Before her courage could fade, she quickly picked up the perfume bottle and the handwritten recipe and placed them back in the little brown bag.
Fabri touched her hand to stop her, but she shrunk back from his touch. "Sanem, I -"
She cut him off, "If you want this perfume so badly, you can wait one more day for me to read over the contact."
She fed her hand through the handles of the bag and picked up the contract. The paper shook a little in her hands as her confidence waned. She hope he didn't notice.
She folded the papers and put them in her belt bag. She walked out of the restaurant before he had another chance to protest. She felt her bravery slipping away as she made it to the sidewalk and hailed a taxi.
What am I going to do now?
Sanem hurried back into the agency shedding her coat. She found Leyla at the drink station.
"Has anyone asked for me? What about Can?"
"He is in his office. Mckinnon and Ceyda just left."
"Allah, Allah! Everytime I leave she appears! It's like she has a hidden camera here."
Leyla told her that Mckinnan looked happy when they left.
At least that's going well. Not like my own predicament.

"Sanem, did you settle it with Fabri?"
Sanem poured a cup of tea for Can as she gave Leyla a condensed version of how the meeting went. Leyla was surprised, but she gave a slight smile. Sanem couldn't return it. She was so nervous. She didn't know anything about contracts. She read it over in the taxi, but couldn't discern anything that would be helpful amongst all the legal jargon.

"Maybe you should talk with the company's lawyer? He might be able to help."
Sanem thought about it for a moment, but decided against it. "No, Abla. He might tell Can before I have a chance to. I don't want him to find out from someone else. And besides, he couldn't get Can released in the first place..." She knew it sounded unkind, but Leyla didn't reprimand her in any way.
"Sanem, I still think we need help with this."

Finally Sanem did manage to smile. "Thanks abla."
"For what?"
"You said 'we'"
"Well of course WE. I am here for you no matter what. But I am not going to be very helpful in this I'm afraid."
"You already are being helpful" She gave Leyla a peck on the cheek. "Will you take this?" Sanem handed her the small brown paper bag, "I don't want Can to see it."
Leyla took the bag from her and smiled again. "Sure I'll put it in my office for safe keeping."

Sanem took the tea glass and walked to Can's office.

Leyla's right though. I need help.

A thought occurred to her. A plan that could either help or make Can even angrier when she told him.


Sanem arrived home later that day having spent a lovely evening with Can. He took her to the water where they made their wishes to the ministry of fishes. It felt good to laugh together.
She had felt peaceful.
That feeling went away when she saw that horrible woman kicking Boncuk's food bowl after Can dropped her off at home.

But she turned her thoughts from Cruella D'evil to a more pressing matter as she sat on her bed. The contract spread out in front of her. Her phone in her hand.
She had made her decision.
She scrolled through her contacts and found the name she wanted - Metin

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