9 - Evet

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Author's note:
Sorry. Again. For the delay in this. 3 months! Where does the time GO?!?!?
Anyway... Y'all have probably already guessed how this chapter is going to go. That title and chapter picture is like a big flashing neon spoiler.
So I know it was a while ago when the first proposal aired, but if you recall, the hashtag for that episode where we would find out Sanem's answer was delayed. We were getting closer and closer to the episode airing, and still no official release.
My naive, non-Turkish knowing tricks (those promo pics of Canem sitting on the couch in the hut, anyone?) thought it was because the hashtag was going to be "#Evet" and they didn't want to spoil it for us. (can you tell I was a Turkish dizi virgin before EK? 🤦‍♀️)
And we all know what actually happened with that beautiful proposal. A lot of you also know how dramatic my ass can be. It was not a good day (okay fine, month) in my house. But, now... I get to fix it. So my title is a nod to that overwhelming disappointment.

(P.S. I went a little overboard on the pictures. But these two humans are just too damn beautiful!)


Can sat in his hut

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Can sat in his hut. Alone. Sanem had walked out on him. Just like everyone else in his life. She lied. And she left. He held the moonstone ring he had made for her in his fingers. He wondered how everything could go so wrong, so fast.

Can retrieved a box from the corner of his hut. He couldn't remember the last time he even opened this box. He sat down and slowly opened the lid to reveal photos and trinkets he saved from his past. His memories, shut away in a box, hidden in the dark.

He dug through a little, letting the memories wash over him. He pulled out one of the few photos he had kept from his early childhood. It was of his mother, brother, and him. He remembered his father taking the picture. Telling them all to smile, when it wasn't necessary. They were all already smiling. The happy memory from then, was only making him more sad now. He placed the photo back in the box along with the moonstone ring.

He stared at the ring, resting on top of the photo

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He stared at the ring, resting on top of the photo. And he knew it didn't feel right.

Memories flashed through his mind of Sanem walking away from him after her birthday party. The pain on her face after he told her she was like everyone else to him. The pain in his own heart when she placed the resignation letter on his desk the next day.

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