10 - Plan B

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Emre let out a large yawn and then widened his eyes as he stared at his laptop trying to focus on the spreadsheet in front of him. He spent the night helping Can set up the hut for his proposal to Sanem and then just came straight to work.

He was more than happy to help in the endeavor. Not only was he extremely grateful to have kept his brother in his life, he felt like he owed Sanem for everything he had put her through since coming to the Fikri Harika. Helping with the proposal was one step closer to making amends with who, after today, could soon be his sister-in-law.

Emre let loose another yawn and realized the mug he brought to his lips was now empty of coffee. He headed for the drink station for another cup and saw the agency filling with people for the start of another work day. He glanced in Alyin's office to see she hadn't arrived yet. He knew today would be more than a two cup of coffee kind of day. He needed to remain vigilant and keep his eyes on her, should she be foolish enough to try anything. Can had left him in charge of the agency and Alyin today. And he was determined to not let him down.

It wasn't entirely altruistic. He hoped that by trying to regain Sanem's trust, he would in turn gain Leyla's forgiveness and a second chance. And it was Leyla he came upon on his way to refill his cup. Or more like she was running up to him.

"Oh! Emre Bey. Have you seen Sanem?"

"No, ama -"

Leyla slapped her hands together, "Ai... that girl. She wasn't in her room this morning and she's not answering her phone. Where could she be?"

"She's with Can."

Leyla looked up from her phone that she had gotten out to call her sister for the tenth time that morning. "Ne?"

Emre looked around at the growing crowd. No one seemed to be interested in their conversation, but he wanted the opportunity to talk to Leyla alone. And the opportunity to talk to her about something other than work, was too good to pass up. As that's the only thing she would discuss with him, after he broke up with her. "Would you come to my office?"

"Of course, Emre Bey."

Emre never minded the 'Bey' she added to his name. But he had grown fond of the way his name sounded without it. Even if it was only a few times during the short period they were a couple. But of course he lost the right to ask her to leave it off again.

Emre led the way to his office with Leyla following behind. Once they were seated, he told her about Can's plan to propose and how he went to her house early that morning to pick up Sanem. "I guess by Sanem not being home this morning, she went with him. And that by neither of them calling... things went well." Emre smiled, happy for his brother.

Leyla was happy too, if just a little surprised as well. She had fallen asleep last night to the sound of Sanem crying. She had even been woken up a few times during the night to Sanem calling out for Can. Her little sister had sustained a broken heart and Leyla felt able to relate to that now as she stared at the man who broke her own.

"I thought you didn't like Sanem. According to my sister, you've spent a lot of your energy trying to keep Sanem away from Can. And now you're ready to call her sister-in-law?"

Emre nodded. He understood where she was coming from. "I've made mistakes. A lot of them, and some I even repeated. But I'm learning. And now I'm trying to make amends."

"With Sanem?"

"With her. With Can. With..." Emre trailed off as he looked at Leyla. The pain he used to see in her eyes had been replaced by anger whenever she looked at him now. Something else he knew he deserved. He left his thought there and continued, "I hope that this means Sanem has given Can a second chance and that maybe she'll give me one too."

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