5» it really doesnt matter

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Liah's POV

Okay, so Sam has been talking to Chandler recently... that's just great. I'm fine, Chandler Riggs. pff! it's chandler Riggs not the god father! ah, ahaha yeahh. . .

who am I kidding!? my heart is racing, my palms are sweating and I can't get that song Habits (Stay High) out of my head! I know i said id be cool and all about this, but now that's it's here. . . I'm screwed for life.

My eyes were glued to sams phone.

3 notifications

Chairrr: dude! I'm in New York right now! aren't you? let's get together man!

Chairrr: Are you still dating Liah?????

Chairrr: if you are, your probably staying at her place for the weekend, think maybe you can text me the address??

I lump in my throat grew. How many question marks do you need in... not even a full sentence! '?????!' FIVE? FIVE. He's been asking for my address for a while I could see from all of Sam and his messages. They talk a lot. I didn't realize they were this close.

Liah! what are you doing!? this is Sam's phone! you shouldn't be looking at any of this!

I quickly put Sam's phone on the side table like it had always been there even though it was in the couch, I don't want him to lose it again. I played Kim Kardashian Hollywood on my phone till I heard the water stop.

"Liah?" I heard a faint voice from the bathroom, Sam's voice.

"Yes baby?"

"There's no towels, do you mind grabbing me one?"

"Sure thing be right back" I said and ran to get it. When I came back I knocked silently on the door. He opened it only a few inches, so all I could see was half his face.

"Here" I tried putting the towel through to crack that he had created.

"No. . . come in with me" he smirked grabbing my hand.

I blushed a little too much.

" no sam, I'm so tired, and I've got to go to coffee with a friend today, and I want to he a healthy person Sam, I want to be a child of God. And then I'd have to get changed and-"

"I honestly don't care." He stopped me. "I'm not going to be here forever. I want to spend a good amount of time with you. The right way"

I moved my hand so he lost grip of mine. He'd began to lose faith like he had a chance, but I just kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in hard. "Soon" I whispered.
The door slowly moved open, but he had a towel around him, even tho he said he needed one. He put his damp hands around my waist and pulled me in closer. I pulled apart and hugged him.

"I love you" I whispered into his chest.

"I'll love you forever" he kissed me.


"Who are you going to coffee with?" Sam asked.

"Oh just a new friend" I smiled.

I don't want to give sam the full details. I'm going with Luke. I don't know how he'll react to 'another boy' so I think its best to keep it quiet.

"What about you, who are you meeting?"

I knew the answer.

He looked around nervously, then sighed.

"Uh... Chandler, actually." He whispered. "Don't be mad!" he pressured.

"Sam! it's fine" I laughed. I also lied.

I hug him goodbye and we both leave.

I opened the doors to the coffee shop to see Luke waiting. When he noticed me he smiled, got up and hugged me.

"Okay, so I want to learn more about you" he smiled, as we sat down in our tiny booth.

"Me too! okay so, have you always lived in the area?"
"No, actually. My mom and dad got divorced when I was small, and at the time I was living in California. my dad moved over to The Big Apple after and I barely saw him. All my mother ever wanted was for me to have a real dad I guess, so she took me here and I'm spending university here, along with my dad, he's a professor at the school." He smiled.

He seemed so knowledgeable, I just liked to listen to him, I could listen to him all day if I had the time!
"And you?" He said taking me out of my daze.

"Oh! yeah same with me! I lived in Atlanta Georgia. . . " I trailed off. Not much to it.

"Then What are you doing in NY? other than college."

"Uh... I just had to get away from things, yeah know? too many bad memories and history that I just can't go back too. the people there... I just can't see. I got bullied a lot too I just wouldn't want to risk seeing them ever again."

"Oh... well, change is good. Sorting things out like that. people change too."

"No but I have some really bad history there." I said nervously.

"You don't have a criminal record do you?" Luke laughed but also kind of scared.

"No no!" I laughed. "Just uh... my ex-boyfriend tried to kill me once. he almost went to jail but they lost him." I weakly smiled. The face on Luke was speechless. "Oh my God."

"That's terrible! but I love Georgia! I've always wanted to go there!" he giggled.
"Really? why?" I asked

"Well, my favorite tv show of all time was filmed there!"

Oh No.

"It was called. . ."

Don't say it.

"Oh yes! the Walking Dead!" he laughed.

"I know that show" I laughed awkwardly.

"I've always wanted to go there and become best friends with Carl Grimes! I know so stupid right? sorry I think his real name was Chandler Riggs."

"Yeah, yeah" I stopped smiling completely into a silence.

"Are you okay?" he asked trying to make I contacted with mine.

"You know Chandler went to my high school." I raised my voice.

"Really?" he said in excitement, but also curiosity for the reason I raised my voice.

"Yeah! he was a real Bitch!" I said louder than I should have. The smile on his face disappeared as I got up and left the coffee shop.

I began to cry in memories. I can't do this.

He ran after me "Liah!?" he came.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled my into a hug. Get over it. Please just get over it.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.
"Hey..." he smiled "here, let's get out of here okay?"

I nodded and we left. I'm over Chandler. I don't like him he doesn't like me. I had a fun time and everyone in my life I love. I don't need memories to hold me back from living. I don't need this.




what were you guys for Halloween?😋
:I was a scarecrow and 3 other of my friends were dorthy the lion and the Tin man 😝

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