1»Here we go again

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Liah's POV

"I miss you Li!" Sams voice shouted through the phone.
"I miss you too Sam, but I can't do anything about it. it's a life experience." I pouted.
"Come back to Georgia. Please! All I ask is for one night that I can spend with a beautiful girl"

"Sam... I don't know. I'd have to check my calendar and I doubt that I'll be available! Final Exams are around the corner I need to study!!"
"okay, just... try. Atleast for my birthday"

"You know how I feel about t-that neighborhood." I mumbled. "Sam, I can't" I sighed and hung up.

I sighed and just closed my eyes. Getting rid of my thoughts. I'm so stressful right now. Exams are coming up and University is almost over, Karol is low in money, her shows that she does over the weekend aren't paying enough for our rent, I honestly don't want to go back to Georgia, too many memories. And me and Sam have managed the make this whole long distance thing work for as long as we could. I can feel he's slipping through my fingers. I haven't seen him for almost year! he's been begging me to come visit... But I can't. I want to be felt loved again. Karol and her boyfriend Joe have been going out for a while now. there perfect for eachother, and I honestly get a little jealous when I see them curled up together on the couch watching a romantic movie, I miss those kind of moments I had with Sam.

"Liah... It will be okay, this afternoon I'm going job hunting with joe if that takes anything off your chest." Karol sighed weakly.

"okay that's great" I mumbled. Motioning her that I didn't need her comfort right now.

I stood at the kitchen table shedding silent tears. This is all so stressful. Memories too. Because right across from my window is a giant banner, I see it every morning when I wake up. It's an add for Chandler Riggs.


Mondays come so often, it's like the weekend was never there. I live only a block away from my school, so it's really easy for me. All we really do is study the history of art, than have an exam in the afternoon I've been prepping for this. After the test, I felt pretty good about it. I'm a smart student, I admit. But, their are also students who I'm really confused on how they even figured out to get to this school. And yes, there are some more rich bitches around here. They don't pick on me though, just my nerve. They're so annoying. but the thing is, there everywhere! but the most attention I get, is from them.

We all get a celebrity crush, don't we? And it just so happens that all these ladies have the same one. Chandler. Once they figured out that I went to school with him and 'dated him' they went phsyco. They always ask me questions that I don't even know and god it's annoying.

After, I had to go pick up Karol from her theater class, but I decided to check my phone first.

Message from Karol; 2 minutes ago
Meet me behind my theater entrance, your not going to like this one bit.

I suddenly got worried. Really worried. Anything could have happened. Did they do a stripping program there and she saw Tori?! oh my gosh. Anything could happen.

Tiny Cliff hanger for the first chapter!
Yeah! First Chapter! Yeah!

I'm really happy to be back up writing, I love you guys so much!

I'll try to be updating every week!😋

inside my life with one sentence and a word:

a guy asked me out over text message yesterday. dammit.

emoji of the week: 🍉


okay hope you all have a wonderful day!


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