08 - Flight.

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guys I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever! honestly at one point I totally forgot that I had a wattpad chapter to
write and when I finally remembered I was way to lazy and couldn't stop watching netflix to write it!!

Well, it's here now!!! enjoy!😄

Liah's POV

I zip up my suitcase and pull it off my bed, raising the handle to reach my waist.

"Are you sure you want to stay in Georgia for 3 weeks? It's going to be so lonely around here without you!" Karol pouted helping me bring my luggage to the front door.

"I know but, my dad needs me. I'm worried about him and I just didn't think that 2 weeks was enough to catch up! Plus my aunt and my cousins are in town and I haven't seen them in years! I'll be back before you know it" I smile.

"Okay, but don't do anything fun that I like, promise?" she smirks.
"promise." I smile. Giving her a hug.
"Hey! Enjoy the first class darling!" he laughed.
"I'll send you pictures if your that interested!" I chuckle, finally leaving the building to my flight back home.

**Airport in New York**

"Here are your tickets, it has all of the planes information along with the section of the airport that the plane will be loading, and I'm sure you can figure everything else by yourself. Have a safe trip!" The woman at the desk said, sending me off.

I find where I will be waiting for my plane and set down my baggage putting one ear bud in to listen to music but also making sure I can hear the announcements.

I began to see flashes of bright lights in the corner of my eye with a noise of screams and laughter growing around the area. I look up from my phone to see a huge wave of photographers and people all bundled up together. It was almost scary.

They all quieted down when one deep voice yells something that I can't even make out and all the people and some of the photographers leave, others scatter around, waiting.

Odd. Probably a celebrity of some kind, it's New York, it happens.

"That was crazy" the same deep voice from
before said from behind me. I didn't look.

"I know! How do you do that for a living?" I higher pitched male voice replies. Setting something heavy on the chair that was behind me.

"It has it's ups and downs." someone laughs, but I recognized this voice, it seemed familiar.

a/n we all see where this is going lmao spoiler I just hate leading up to these parts I write them so revealing.

I turn my head just a tad to get a glimpse, but that was a mistake. My stomach dropped at the sight of Chandler coming in to sit down right behind me. I should have remembered that he was in town!

Shake it off Liah! Mind your own business.

a/n 'shake it off! shake it off ooh oooh'

I did a my mind told me and went back to listening to my music. But the chill inside me stayed. He's probably in first class if he's taking this plane, why not a private jet or something? Whatever, I can handle the awkwardness from the night.

"Exit B8 is boarding in 5 minutes, exit B8 is boarding in 5 minutes, thank you" someone said through the announcements. That was my plane, Chandlers plane.

I began getting my stuff together for the plane.

"Liah? Is that you?" Chandler said from behind me. I slowly turned around with a grin that if you take one glimpse you'll know its fake.

"hey, Chandler. . ." I said, still smiling.
"Hey! What are you doing in the airport?"
"I'm going back to Georgia, visiting family. I'm guessing that your convention is done" I say awkwardly.

I don't want hard feelings between us. No feelings at all. The other night we were both out of it, we weren't 100% sure what we were doing. I'm just praying that nothing too awkward will happen.

"Exit B8 is now boarding, exit B8 is now boarding thank you" the announcements said again, causing all the people sitting in the area to shuffle up and form a line to board.

"Oh, well I'll see you once we land, yeah?" Chandler said picking up his bag.

"Yeah, see ya" I replied walking away fast.

*after plane landed*

I couldn't stop thinking about Chandler the whole plane ride. I suddenly feel so much closer to him, and I can't figure out if I'm happy or sad.

After I go through everything, I head to the arrival gate so my father can pick me up. No sign of Chandler.

As I enter through the gate I scan the crowd for my dad but can't seem to find him. So I waited longer, and longer. An hour past and still no sign of him. Ive left multiple missed calls and messages, now Im starting to get worried.

"Liah? Your still here?" Chandler says touching my shoulder from behind me. I flinch.

"Err yeah, I can't seem to get a hold of him." I say nervously. Where is your dad when you need him.

"Do you want me to give you a lift? You can wait a little and of he's still not around ill be happy to help" he smiled.

"Yeah. That would actually be really good." I agree, I text my dad once again saying doNt show up, and walk to the parking lot with Chandler beside me.

what on earth have I just done.



I haven't updated since December!

Ive actually been crazy busy with school. I'm not the brightest and I've never been, so school is a really big trouble with me and I have to work extra hard to at least get an 80%. Its really stressful because I'm constantly trying to make my parents and teachers happy. I get homework probably everyday, and Ive been writing this chapter on chunks of different times like I haven't continued writing since 2 weeks ago. Its really uncommon for me not to have work to do, and when I don't have any work, I probably have to study. Anyways, I'm still so so sooo sorry for not updating, but I hope you enjoy this short chapter :)

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