Chapter:3 Distracted

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Perspective of Gon

~~~~~~~~~~~6 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~
I rub and roll my right shoulder, once the last applicant was finished. "Owwww. I didn't think just pushing people would make me this sore." I look over to the applicants who passed which were reduced to a little less than half. None got close to me in the slightest but they managed to not be sent flying out the ring with a push. Most just barely.

"Congratulations all passing applicants! But you aren't done with this phase yet!" I fold up my jacket and put it in my bag and shrug it on. I walk up to the front of the pack and get their attention. "You all managed to survive my push or not get pushed out the ring, which I have to congratulate you on." Despite my holding back as to not kill anyone. Had to make sure we get some new hunters.

"This next part of the phase just follow me!" I turn around and begin to walk down the dark tunnel. "Oh! And please stay close! If you get lost down here you likely won't be found." I hear a few panicked noises by a few applicants and laugh to myself. I start off at a brisk walk to get people moving. Our destination is about the same distance as my exam, roughly 80 kilometers.

I gradually start to pick up speed. "I have to take this slow. None of them could keep up with my top speed." I think to myself. I stop picking up speed once the applicants are struggling to keep up with me. "This was easy back then and it's easy now. I wonder how many will get through this part?"

~~~~~~~~~~5 Hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We have reached the bottom of the stairs that lead to the exit at the end of the tunnel. So far another quarter of applicants have dropped off. "That remains of this phase is these stairs! Hope you still got the energy!" I say cheerily and tauntingly.

I immediately begin to easily trot up the stairs at the same pace I've been going. I hear some complaints behind me including ones about its unfairness of how easy I'm ascending the steps.

I smile thinking back to how Killua and I raced to the top. The joy I had that day of having a new friend my age. Somebody who could keep up with me with no effort. Neither of us even won the race according to Satotz. Although I still think I was a little ahead.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest thinking about Killua. His beautiful blue eyes and white fluffy hair. His sweet, caring voice when he was worried about me. Him calling me an idiot when I did something dumb.

I sigh and look down at the stairs as I keep going. "I need to talk to somebody about him. Maybe Kurapika can give some advice." I look up and notice I have slowed down. The main pack got ahead of me.

I grin and quickly bolt past the pack back to my position upfront a good bit. "What the hell?!" I hear a applicant shout. "Just how fast are you kid?" He asks. "I've never thought about it. I can get places quick when I want to. I could do this entire section in under an hour or two if I chose. Don't get your license for being slow." I answer.

At this point, I hear several amazed and shocked sounds from the group. "Wow, kid! You are something else." I can only smile at the compliment. One of the other applicants popped up."How old were you when you got your license? Which exam was it?"

"Well, it was a few years ago actually. I was twelve years old when I took the 287th Hunter Exam." The man whistles. "What was the hardest part for you?" He asks. "Well if you're trying to figure out hints to later phases for this year you won't get anything because it's different every year. But for me, the hardest was the 4th phase. We were taken to an island and told to hunt other applicants. We were given the number of their tag." I gesture to the tags that the applicants are wearing now.

"Somebody was after me and I was after somebody else and so on. This is how it worked. Your own tag is worth 3 points. Your targets tag is also 3 points. Anyone else's tag is a single point. The goal was to have 6 points by the end of the week. My target was a man named Hisoka."

One of the men makes a sound that seems to be of disgust. "I know that name. Pink hair? Lanky, kinda looks like a clown?" I nod. "Yep, that's him." The man takes in a sharp breath through his teeth. "Yikes, kid. I watched one of his matches at the Heavens Arena. He's a monster."

"Pray you never run into him," I respond. "He's terrifying." I look up and see a bit of light at the top of the stairs. "Oh good! We are almost there." I pick up speed and leave the pack in the dust. I reach the top of the steps and wait.

Almost 3 minutes later they start to arrive. I stand off to the side watching the applicants reach the top panting like a dog in the summer heat. "GON!" I perk up at my name and look behind me to see who called out. I see a familiar figure running towards me. His long blond hair waving around. "Took you long enough to get here! You had me waiting for ages." He says smiling.

"Kurapika!" I run over and tackle him in a hug. "It's been too long!" He hugs me back laughing. "Yeah, it has. How have you been?" He asks after we separate. "I've been good. Hungry though." My stomach growls. "Do we have time before phase 2 for food?" He laughs again. "You haven't changed a bit. Phase 2 doesn't start until tomorrow. They are letting them rest a bit this year. Come on. We will go to where we and everyone else is staying."

"Hold on." I stop him. "Gates haven't closed yet. Can't go until those close." I gesture to the exit behind me, the applicants still flowing out. "Oh right." Roughly 15 minutes later the gates started to close, preventing a few applicants from passing.

"Congratulations on passing the 1st phase of the exam!" I say to the remaining applicants. "Please follow us and we will lead you to the resting place before phase two tomorrow!" I turn to Kurapika. "Lead the way."

He nods and starts heading to the large building in the distance. My mind wanders as we walk. Seemingly at random but instead I found myself thinking about Killua again. His smooth pale skin. Absolutely flawless. I feel my heart race thinking about his toned muscles and rock hard abs. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks as I start to blush thinking about tracing my hands along his chest.

"Gon?" Kurapika waves his hand in front of my face getting my attention. "Did you hear a word of what I just said? And why are you drooling?" I quickly snap out of my thoughts and wipe my mouth. "Sorry! I was...uhh just thinking about food. Only had a muffin today." I say embarrassed the heat growing in my cheeks as I blush brighter.

"Uh-huh..." He gives me an odd look but doesn't ask farther clearly not believing my lie about food. "Anyway, like I was saying, I'm gonna be hard on them." He says pointing a thumb at the applicants. Kurapika continues to talk about his plans for the applicants and I try to listen and nod my head to what he is saying. But my mind is still locked on Killua as we walk.

(Authors note. Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed chapter:3! My pacing in terms of releases of chapters might not be as fluid and scheduled as I would like. These last 3 chapters I had already been working on for a while. My friend who I had as my editor isn't as paced as I am. This chapter I did work and revising and the such myself. If there is anywhere that needs fixing please tell me. My editor was the only one of my friends who will actually read this stuff all my other friend judge me for it, and with her too busy with other stuff and me not wanting to bother her I'll likely be doing my own editing hopefully making it better and not worse. Anyway enough of my rambling. Tell me your thoughts on the chapter below and how you think the story is so far. One last thing, since this was a very Gon chapter I'm gonna try and make the next one a Killua chapter. I might switch back and forth via chapters from time to time. Anyway. That's enough out of me. Later!

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