Mr. Urie

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"Okay guys, we're finally here." Y/n said, approaching Brendon's door, and knocking. At first, we heard shuffling. Then finally, the door opened a crack to reveal two soft brown eyes. As soon as they recognized Y/n, they closed the door, unlocking the latches and opening the door just wide enough for us to walk in.

"Ms. Y/n! It's so good to see you. I feel like it's been ages, come in, come in," He motioned for us to come in, Y/n stepped in first with Gerard and I close behind her, "And you are?" He asked, turning towards Gerard and I.

"I'm Gerard and this is my brother, Mikey." Brendon shook each of our hands.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both, I'm Brendon. Please, have a seat." He signaled us to take a seat in his living room, which was filled with miss match blankets covering the couches and floors, there wasn't a centimeter of visible couch. He sat by Y/n, running a hand through his slick brown hair.

Him and Y/n talked about things I didn't really understand, so I examined the small hut.

All the windows are boarded up... the kitchen looks more like a science experiment gone wrong... there are two other doors, besides the front... most likely a bathroom and bedroom... it feels pretty... odd...

"So, you two are trying to get home?" Before I could say anything, Gerard began to talk.

"Yeah, you see we got here after being chased by some cops because of a party we were at, and then we ended up in a cemetery that had a garden behind it, and there was a wall behind it so we jumped over, trying to get away." that's the fastest I've ever heard him speak... I think he's had a good look around too...

"Hmm, I don't know of any wall, but I could try and help a bit," He walked across the room where a set of wooden drawers sat, he opened up the bottom and began sifting through it while whispering to himself, "Ah, yes here, this may be of some help." He handed Gerard a large map of what appeared to be the whole forest.

"Okay, this isn't as accurate as it was when I made it a couple of years ago, but it should be of some use," He got up and sat back down on the couch, "You have been traveling far, would you like to stay for lunch?" Food...

"Yeah, I mean, if you don't mind." Y/n said, playing with her hands.

"No, of course I don't mind, anything for you, kid!" He walked into the sad excuse for a kitchen and grabbed all sorts of food, making sandwiches in mere seconds, I couldn't believe my eyes. What is he?

"He's part demon and part vampire." It was as if she had read my mind.

"Wait, I thought demons were bad." I said, totally confused.

"He's only evil at night, he really can't go outside at all. If he's outside during the day, he burns. If he's outside during the night, he turns. It's quite sad." She smiled, sadly.

"But, if he's a vampire, shouldn't he be-" I was interrupted by Brendon handing us each a sandwich paired with fruit and chips.

"Traditionaly, yeah I should be feeding on humans but, I can't. It sickens me to even think about, I only do it when I turn. Which I rarely do and I only feed then because, I'm not all there when it happens." He sat back down with his own food, it was purely red.

"So I eat red stuff instead. It's actually a lot healthier for us." He took a bite of a tomato as his large fangs tore into it. Whoa, now this is epic...

As we ate, everyone shared stories of their insane adventures. Gerard and I mainly just listened to Brendon and Y/n, occasionally sliding in a silly story about school.

Everyone finished eating, Brendon got up and took our plates to the kitchen, "Would you like any food for your travels? I have way too much food here that I can't eat."

"Yeah, if you're alright with it." Y/n stood up, Gerard and I did as well, getting ready to go.

"No, no, it's totally cool." He walked over with a bag full of random food items that were definitely not red. We all walked to the door, said our goodbyes, and began to walk where we believed to be our home.

After a few hours of walking, we decided to set up camp next to a stream, "Hey Mikey, I know you're crushing on Y/n." Gerard whispered as Y/n sat under a tree.

"W-what? No I'm n-not." I whispered.

"Oh please, you're blushing. It's so obvious, I mean the way you talk to her, all nervous like and stuff. You should make a move."

"Uhh I-I don't know..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Oh come on, it'll be easy. I have an idea, wait here," He began to speak at a normal volume, turning towards Y/n, "I'm gonna go get firewood, I'll be back in a bit." He began to walk off.

"Gerard, wait, no." I whispered, attempting to stop him leaving.

"Good luck, Mikes." And with that, he was gone. I turned around and walked towards her. I can do this, just be myself... just talk to her... It'll be fine...

I sat down next to her. I was about to speak, but she began first, "The forest is so beautiful, isn't it?" She looked up at the darkly shaded sky.

"Yeah, besides the monsters and stuff, i-it's pretty nice." I looked at the ground. This is tough...

"I've grown up with my pain in the ass of a mother all my life and never thought to actually run away. I'm really happy you let me come along. I've never had this much fun." She laughed a bit.

I don't know how, but a boost of confidence found its way inside me, as I began to talk more, "That's kinda sad, back home me and Gerard aren't really the types to be called 'fun' I guess. It's a nice change."

"Really? What are you known for back home?" She took her gaze off the stars and moved it to me.

"Uh, people don't actually know us much there. We have friends and stuff, but people make fun of us and say we're punky nerds so, people aren't too fond of us there." I let out a short smile while I looked back at her.

I was happy to be sitting with her, just admiring her pretty h/c hair and her starry e/c eyes. Suddenly, everything went black, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything.

"Hello Michael, let's have some fun, shall we?" The deep voice from my dream spoke with a laugh at the end, "I see you've become fond of Ms. Y/n, yes?" He laughed, "Lets start the fun!" He laughed even louder. Oh no, please no, don't hurt her please...

"Oh Michael, I do whatever I want. If I want to harm her, then that's what I shall do. You see boy, I run this forest, you can't do anything to change that." He chuckled.

Hiya, how is everyone? Good, I hope. Whatever you guys are dealing with, you'll make it through, I promise. Have a totally epic gamer moment day~peace out cheesebags

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