Chapter 24: I Have To Tell You Something

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Takagi was taken aback. She didn't know how to respond, even though her heart clearly knew the answer.

"Ishikami-kun, I-"

Ishikami bent down, and looked at Takagi's face, staring at her with those same eyes 7 years ago. His hand holding the card, with beautiful lettering, and elegant formatting.

Takagi looked down, not being able to meet his gaze. She clamped her hands, and took some deep breaths.

"I...I apologize, Ishikami-kun, but I dont think I'll go to prom with you. I'm very very sorry. You know why, you do. And I hope you understand what I want for the both of us, especially someone else who appreciates you more than I do."

She ends with a whisper, and quickly runs down the hallway, to the lockers, before Ishikami can process what just happened.

"Really...and I really though that she would agree..."


"Wanna come over and hang out Takagi-Chan?"


"You seem a little quiet today, what happened? You can tell me, I'm your best friend!" Mira stops and tightens her hold on Takagi's hand.

Tell you everything huh, well...why don't you tell me everything as well? Especially about that incident 7 years ag-

"We're back!" Mira shouts when they opened the door.

"Want any drinks, Takagi?"

"The usual please, Mira."

"Alrighty, a can of orange soda!"


When they went back to Mira's room, Takagi noticed that Mira seemed like...she wanted to tell her something.

"What is it Mira?"

"Oh, nothing much..." She muttered, fidgeting her fingers around her cup of tea.

A few seconds passed, and Mira suddenly moves closer, and whispers in a voice so tiny Takagi could barely hear.

"I...have something to tell you Takagi, something...somewhat important."


Takagi takes a sip of her soda, wondering if Mira is finally going to tell her about her and Ishikami.

"I-I'm thinking of asking Ishikami to prom! I-I mean, he is going to attend since he helped out with the event, right?"

She trembled around her words, something she rarely does, which surprised Takagi. Mira looks down, nervously awaiting for Takagi's reaction.

"That's wonderful Mira! You really should go ask him to prom, I'm sure he won't decline!" Takagi smiles, trying to encourage Mira.

"Really, Takagi-Chan?"

"Of course! Everyone adores you! You're outgoing, cute, and funny!"

Takagi was a bit glad that Mira kinda told her, but not fully, since she never told her the whole story, from childhood. But, that's a story for another day, she thought.


A few days later, Mira decides to finally ask Ishikami, after doing some research, she and Takagi found out that Ishikami didn't accept any girls' invitation yet. And Takagi assures Mira she'll be that special girl.

After school, Takagi and Nishikata are going to distract the student council while Mira and Ishikami cleans up the tables, alone.

*"Wait- Why am I dragged into this?!" Nishikata complains, as they explained the plan to him.

"Just because, unless you don't want to help...?" Takagi asks, giving him the smug look.

"N-no...fine! I'll help."

"Great!" *

Okay, okay, you can do this Mira, you can do this. Mira couldn't help but feel nervous, after all, if this fails, she'll be rejected by the same guy twice! How embarrassing would that be?!

"Ishikami, do you have a moment?"

*note: if he says no, then pLan wiLL faiL :o*

"Yeah, what is it Mira?" He puts down the papers, and looked at Mira.

Holding out a card, she asked, "Do you want to go to prom with me?"

Extra scene:

"Takagi-San! Why are we peeping?"


They looked from the door, only showing their eyes.

"Ahh, young love!" Takagi sighs, making Nishikata glance at her with the weirdest look.

Takagi slowly closes the door, and bursts out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA, you should've seen the look on your face! It was hilarious!"

"But Takagi-San, isn't Ishikami older than us?" He innocently asks.

"Joke! It was a joke!"

And she kept laughing, making the whole student council stare at them, and making Nishikata nervous.

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