"get to know each other"

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Kenzie's pov

I woke up and slumped my lazy ass downstairs to the kitchen table and ate an apple.

"Good Morning Kenz," Mom greeted and I smiled at her.

"The Orlando's are coming home today so quickly get ready," she announced to me and my sister Maddie.

"You mean Lauren and her sisters, that's it right?" I checked. Mom raised and eyebrow,

"And her parents and Johnny," she told me and my heart sank, I hated Johnny and he hated me too, we never got along. Maddie and I went upstairs to get dressed.

I ran downstairs and opened the door when it rang, as soon as I did, Lauren gave me a huge hug and I hugged her back.

"Cute clothes!" Darian tells me and pulls me into a hug. The Maddies hugged and we all walked into the living room, Johnny slumped down onto the sofa and started texting on his phone, what a loser I thought.

"Girls, you can go upstairs," Mom smiled after hugging Mommy Mer. We all walked towards the stairs when Mom grabbed my hand,

"Not you Kenz," she told me and I nodded and sat down next to her, wondering what was going on. Johnny just stayed there, his eyes clued to his phone. 

He's pretty cute... a voice in my head says but I push it away. Suddenly, Dale snatches johnny's phone from him and starts,

"So kids, the two of you are growing older, twenty two and twenty three..."

"So, it got us thinking," Meredith said.

"That you two are suitable of the age to marry!" Mom exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, my mom is always talking to me and Maddie of our wedding day and how she'll make sure she won't make the mistake she did with our Dad and will find someone sweet like Greg first time round.

"So...?" I asked, "Maybe I don't want to marry yet!" I told them and Mom sighed.

"We were thinking," Dale continues  ignoring me, "that you two are the perfect couple," Johnny's eyes shot up at his dad, confused and angry.

"You two are getting married!" Mer exclaimed, clearly excited. My jaw dropped open wide in shock and Johnny straightened his back suddenly and looked at his mother, shocked.

"You're kidding, right?" He says to his mom and dad, they shake their head, "What the hell Mom, I can't get married to her!" He shouts. I nod, I agree with him once in my life!

"Besides, I'd rather marry someone I love, not a fucking enemy," I say, glaring at Johnny.

"Language Mackenzie!" Mom tells me angrily, "And you have no other choice!" 

"The point is, if we leave you two to your future, you'll never marry!" Dale tells us.

"What about Maddie?" I ask mom, "She's older than me, surely she should get married first!" I argue.

"She has Cameron," mom tells me, "They've been thinking of marriage lately, but need more time, at least she has someone!" 

"I have Ashton!" I tell her.

"And I have Nadia!" Johnny argues but the parents shake their heads. Both of our parents don't like Ashton or Nadia.

"The marriage is in 2 days," Mer tells us, "Now go into the kitchen and talk to each other, get to know each other!" She smiled and I roll my eyes and stomp into the kitchen, followed by Johnny.

"This is ridiculous!" He shouts, as if it's my fault. A tear escapes my eyes, this isn't how I'd planned my life, my future in music, this isn't how I wanted it to be... Johnny sees me crying and walks towards me.

"Look Mackenzie, I know we're not on good terms-" he starts

"Good terms? Johnny, the last time I spoke to you was on your birthday to say 'Happy Birthday' we're basically strangers!" I tell him quietly, another tear rolling down my cheek. He nods.

"It's gonna be hard, but we have no other choice do we?" He sighs bitterly.

"Now don't act as if it's my fault! I don't want to marry a fucking player like you!" I shout, swallowing my tears. He glares at me,

"Oh yeah? Well the last time I checked you aren't a girl I'd die for are you?" He tells me. Suddenly, Lauren runs through the door,

"What is it?" The whole neighbourhood has probably heard you!" She tells us and I run upstairs to my room and lock the door, crying like mad, I hate Johnny Vincent Orlando and nothing will ever change that!


Hi, that's chapter 1, hope u liked it 💕

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