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Tom Kirkman was in an undisclosed location with his wife, watching President Richmond give his speech at the State of the Union.

Alex was on the phone with their youngest daughter who wouldn't go to sleep. "Uh, it's beyond bedti-. Penny you need to go to sleep right now" she was telling her.

"Let me talk to her" Tom said

"No you can't talk to dad!" Alex said to Penny through the phone while making faces at Tom, causing them to giggle.

"Let me talk to her. Come on" he says. "Hello" he says to Penny.

"Hi Daddy"

"Who is this?"

"It's Penny" she replies with a giggle.

"Penny who?"

"Penny Kirkman, your daughter"

"No. That's not possible. My daughter's asleep. I know that because I kissed her good night... almost two hours ago" he says checking his watch.

"When are you and Mommy coming home" she asks sadly.

"It doesn't matter. You're going to be asleep by then right?" he asks eating popcorn. "Right?"

"She can't keep pulling this" Alex whispers to her husband.

"I've got an idea." he says, "What if you go to bed right now and I'll let you stay up and extra hour tomorrow night so we can hang out?" he says causing his wife to roll her eyes.

"Will Delilah be there?"

"I'm sure if you ask her she'll come." he says with a smile thinking of his eldest daughter. "Sound like a deal?"

"Deal" Penny says with a happy smile. "Goodnight Daddy." she says kissing the phone.

"Goodnight, my little pea." he says hanging up the phone. "See? All good." he says passing the phone to Alex.

"Not all good." she replies rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean, not all good?"

"Tom!" she says annoyed. "You can't do that. You can't make promises that you won't be able to keep. We barley see Delilah."

"We're in Washington. They're the only promises we're allowed to make." he says making himself and Alex chuckle and her to sit in the chair next to him.

"You know, you need to learn how to set some limits with her. Because if not, she is going to walk all over you. Just like Delilah did." she says with a slight chuckle.

"I know. You're right." he says as they turn their attention to the speech on tv. After a few minutes the tv goes static. "That's weird." Tom says picking up the remote and flipping over the chanels to get back onto the broadcast, however, it's still static.

"What is it?" Alex asks worridly.

"It won't come back on." he replies. "See if you can get it to work" he says handing her the remote then picking up his ringing cellphone. "Yeah. No I know, ours just went black, too." he says into the phone.

"Tom!" Alex shouts picking up her phone. "Oh my god!"

"I'll get back to you" he says hanging up.

Suddenly Mike and another secret service agent enter the room, panicked. "Mr. Secretary, you need to put the phone down."

"Mike, what the hell is going on?"

"I said, put the phone down" Mike says walking towards Tom.

"Okay, okay" he says placing it on the table. While Alex is panicking in the background.

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