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After the eventful night yesterday the next morning was due to be hectic meaning a long and busy day.

"Morning." I said opening my eyes and looking up at Aaron who was watching me sleep on his chest.

"Morning, princess." he said kissing my forehead while holding my hand.

"What time is it?" I ask snuggling into his chest making him laugh slightly.

"Half six." he says making me moan. "Come on let's get up, we've got a busy day today." he said kissing my hair.

Getting up I walked to the bathroom and started getting ready doing barley any makeup because who can be bothered at 6:30 am and then just brushing my hair because it was curly from last night. When I walked into our closet Aaron had just finished getting dressed and struggling to do up his baby blue tie so I went and helped him do it with a laugh.

"What would you do without me?" I asked sarcastically as I stood on my tip toes making him laugh and kiss my nose. "I love the blue on you by the way." I say standing back to admire him.

"Well it is one of your favourite colours so I thought I'd wear it for you."

"Aww. I want to wear baby blue. Oh we could match. Wait, would that look weird."

"No it would look amazing." he says kissing me and walking to my wardrobe and passing me one of my favourite blue dresses with puffy sleeves.

" he says kissing me and walking to my wardrobe and passing me one of my favourite blue dresses with puffy sleeves

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"That's perfect and I could wear my white heels and pearls." I say excitedly going to get them making him laugh.

"You know you have great fashion taste." I tell him as he does up my zipper before kissing my back and placing my necklace around my neck.


When we get to the White House we walk in and Emily comes up to us. "You guys look amazing." she says giving me a hug which I return.

We get to Aaron's office for him to get his files before he kisses me on the cheek to go to a meeting with POTUS and the agencies to discuss Majid Nassar.

Emily and I walk to get coffee. "Emily, you don't understand how much I miss drinking coffee." I sighed as she made herself a coffee and I made myself a tea.

"I honestly wouldn't be able to manage the day without it. I probably have about five or six a day." she says making us both laugh.

"The only good thing is I can eat whatever I want." I laugh placing a hand on my bump and picking up a chocolate muffin.

"That's true. Although this jobs making me fat with all the late night takeaways." she said making us both laugh.

"So true. But so tasty. A takeaway just hits differently at eleven o'clock at night." I laugh. "I was meaning to ask," I start as we walk towards Aaron's office, "is the Roosevelt Office free today?"

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