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I woke up hearing someone typing on a computer and paper being ruffled. Mumbling something incoherent I opened my eyes slightly to see Aaron doing work on his computer with files surrounding him.

"Sorry did I wake you?" he asked glancing at my quickly before looking down at his laptop again and typing something.

"What are you doing?" I asked tiredly rolling onto my side to see what he was doing.

"Trying to sort out stuff for the Nassar."

"You need to sleep baby." I sighed moving some of his fallen hair out of his face.

"Yeah well, work needs to be done."

"I know, I'm just worried about you. You work so hard." I sighed sitting up. "Don't think I don't notice you lying with me in bed and then leaving once I'm asleep or waking up ridiculously early to do work and then get back in bed before I wake up."

"I know but it's my job now Del. This is my job."

"I know." I sighed sadly before pulling the covers off and getting out of bed making my way to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" he asked. "You should go back to sleep for another hour or so."

"No point. I'm awake now."


"Here you go." Aaron said sliding a bowl of granola, fruit and yogurt over to me.

"Thank you." I said kissing his check.

"No problem. What do you want to drink?" he asked walking over to the fridge.

"Apple juice please." I said.

Bringing over my drink and his breakfast we sat eating our breakfast with the news on while I had my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist.

"I can't wait for them to be here." I said happily placing my arm on my small bump.

"Same. The pitter patter of feet. Jeez, it's gonna be different." he said making me look at him questioningly. "Oh by the way I forgot to tell you that Nadia's coming to stay with us soon, not for long just for a day or two."

"Really? I love Nadia. We can go shopping or for a coffee." I said with a smile making Aaron chuckle and shake his head. "Have you told your family about the baby?"

"I've told mama and papa and Nadia. I'm sure Nadia will tell everyone when she rings them."

"Aaron they should hear it from you." I sighed.


"This look okay?" I asked Aaron walking out of the wardrobe dressed more casually than normal in smart trousers, a button up shirt and black heals.

"This look okay?" I asked Aaron walking out of the wardrobe dressed more casually than normal in smart trousers, a button up shirt and black heals

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