Governor's Ball

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"Morning" Aaron said stroking my hair while my head was on his chest.

"Morning," I mumbled, yawning then kissing up his chest to his lips.

"What do we have planned for today?" I asked reaching for my phone and checking my emails.

"We can spend the morning together. And then there's the governors ball tonight." he said.

"I have the perfect dress." I said showing him the picture on my phone.

"You're going to look breathtaking as always." he said kissing my head.

"I'll have your suit ready in here. And my hair and makeup team is coming at half four." I told him.

"Come on let's go get breakfast." Aaron said.

Walking to the kitchen in our pyjamas was highly unprofessional but we took back corridors so no one would spot us plus it was early in the morning so most the staff were asleep, except for two of my secret service agents who followed us but stayed outside the kitchen letting us have our privacy. When we reached the kitchen I jumped up on the counter while Aaron made coffee, a decaf one for me. "What do you want for breakfast, princes?" he asked walking over to me handing me my coffee, and standing in between my legs tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Pancakes with whipped cream and Nutella oh and grapes." I said excitedly making him chuckle and his my nose.

"You are the cutest, most precious princess in the world." he told me making me blush and hug him.

"How did I get so lucky?" I said. "I love you so much." I told him before slapping his ass, "but I'm hungry so make me some pancakes." I jokingly commanded making him stand up straight.

"Yes, princess." he said before starting to make them.


After breakfast Aaron and I snuck back up to the Residence to get changed for our day together. I decided on minimal makeup and just leaving my hair natural. I wore black leggings, with a black jumper and black baseball cap along with a brown coat and grey scarf and my black Chanel purse.

 I wore black leggings, with a black jumper and black baseball cap along with a brown coat and grey scarf and my black Chanel purse

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Aaron decide to wear black jeans with a black top and a grey cardigan.

Aaron decide to wear black jeans with a black top and a grey cardigan

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