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"Honey." I said kissing Aaron's forehead, "You need to get up." Shaking him slightly all I get is a groan in response. "Baby, it's six and we've got to be in by six forty-five."

Groaning he opens and I and looks at me before sighing, "Morning." he says in his gruff morning voice. 

"Come on. I've already got breakfast cooking. It'll be done by the time you get out of the shower." I tell him leaning down to kiss him making him pull me onto of him so I'm straddling him. Laughing I run my hands through his curl hair making him sigh appreciatively. 

"I wish we could stay like this." he says kissing my shoulder. 

"So do I but we've got work and I want to take Leo to school so up we get." I said making him sigh. 

"You're going to be such a good mom." he says resting his hand on my bump.

"You think so?" I ask biting my lip. 

"Yep. I know so." 


Walking into Aaron's office in my black long sleeve shirt with a pearl and grey pencil skirt along with black Louboutins I sigh and sit down on his sofa with my back to the door getting out a case folder and reading it while making notes.

Walking into Aaron's office in my black long sleeve shirt with a pearl and grey pencil skirt along with black Louboutins I sigh and sit down on his sofa with my back to the door getting out a case folder and reading it while making notes

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"Morning Leo. Don't forget I'm taking you to school today. I'll meet you out front x"

"Morning okay. I think Mike's with me today x"

Turning the tv onto the daily news briefing Aaron watches it from sitting on the arm of the other sofa. 

"Tomorrow marks a momentous occasion in our nations history." Seth says standing at the podium giving the morning briefing. "It's an unprecedented election to choose a new House of Representatives. It is also the next, and perhaps most important step, President Kirkman is taking to re-establish our government in the wake of the Capital attack. The president urges every American, no matter what their political affiliation, get out there tomorrow and cast a vote."

Seth then takes a question from Natalie regarding a new strain of a super-flu in Kansas. Before starting to close up his speech, "If there are no further questions thank you all very much for another exciting briefing."

Suddenly a journalist, Briggs, asks the question we'd all been dreaded, "Seth, is Majid Nassar dead?"Aaron and I look at one another panicked as the crowd murmurs. 

"Aaron, Delilah." Emily says worried walking into his office. 

"We know." he says looking back at the tv while she stands by me. 

"I have a source at Fort Bragg, says a Muslim chaplain was put on a plane yesterday at 6:00 pm." Briggs continues. "Told to prepare for a Muslim burial. A second source confirms it was for a high-value prisoner, almost certainly Majid Nassar."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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