First Day

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"Morning babe," I said cuddling into Aaron' side.

"Morning Princess. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I don't feel sick." I said rubbing my small bump.

"You coming to the meeting today?" he asked placing his hand over mine.

"Yeah. I've got to. I'm needed." I said kissing his check.

"Well you are am-" before he could finish I ran to the bathroom, Aaron following behind me holding my hair for me and rubbing circles on my back. "Are you sure you should go?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

After showering and brushing my teeth, I got dressed into a white blouse and black pencil skirt with black heels and a black Saint Laurent handbag. I did light makeup and left my hair in its natural waves.

While Aaron was getting ready I made breakfast and watched the news which was broadcasting dads speech, 'My fellow Americans

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While Aaron was getting ready I made breakfast and watched the news which was broadcasting dads speech, 'My fellow Americans. Tonight our way of life came under attack. This act of cowardice was meant to cripple our nation. But as before, America will show the world that we will not bow down to fear, that we will fight back, that we will persevere.' "This was President Tom Kirkman's first address to the nation. It came just two hours after he was unceremoniously sworn in as our new president. Unfortunately, last night's speech did little to calm the frayed nerves --" a male reporter said.

Changing channel a female reporter was saying, "Words aside, Kirkman is an unelected, untested HUD secretary at a time when the world is looking for leadership."

Plating up our breakfast I turned it over again to another female news reporter, "...remains of the Capitol, searching for both survivors and answers to the questions all Americans are asking: how did this happen and will life ever be the sa--" she said while they showed images of the now destroyed Capitol.

Aaron turned the news of and kissed my forehead, "don't watch that it'll stress you out and stress isn't good for the baby."

"I know, its just I worry about him, about you, about all of us. I mean who would do this?" I asked passing him his breakfast.

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough."


Aaron and I walked into the West Wing only to hear people talking about the bombing. People were saying things like; "My wife didn't want me to come in today. She's afraid the White House is next." and "I was supposed to go last night, but I couldn't get a sitter." one woman said causing Aaron to grab my hand because I could have been in that building last night. Many people were panicked questioning what was going to happen. While one woman mourned the loss of her colleagues, "Melissa's dead, everyone's dead."

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