Broken pieces

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I used the teleporter watch aunt Helga had given me.Setting it to the location of her house.I flipped its switch and reached there.The house was empty.Everything was scattered .I called out to her but only silence greeted me.I sat down holding my head.I didn't know what to do.Beside me there was a table.On the table was a cube and it was blinking.I reached out to it.

It suddenly activated and turned into a scanned me ,those red laser lights scanned my face.

"You have one  message"said a robotic voice.

Aunt Helga's hologram materialized and spoke

"Sweetie ....your alive ...I was so worried"

"Where are you aunt Helga"I asked then remembered it was a hologram.

"You must be so worried....Jeff is dead...I thought you were too..but you are alive"the hologram had tears in her eyes"Raymond has taken me away..I'm probably in some dungeon under his palace."

"He is still alive.But how is that possible"

"Listen sweetheart you must go .Go to Mantac....Near the town square ask for a man named Jo Nomore.Tell him that I have sent you and give him this message " CranQuote is in bounty"....keep this message box with you....its your fake has all your details..and the cash in the will help you....and don't come looking for me sweetie...its what I say....and you might save you Sandra..goodbye"

And it disappeared.

I stared at the space were her hologram stood.What was that guy doing.I don't even know him anymore.I got up....searched the house for the things I required...set the teleporter to Mantac,town square....and flipped the switch.

I reached a really crowded area..With people bustling about.Almost like New York.All kinds of people werewolves,fairies,monsters of unknown kinds..and wizards in weird hats.

Who was I supposed to ask???!!!

On the stairs of the town hall.I saw many people sitting...beggers I presumed.....maybe they would know...just then a rich looking guy climbed down from the stairs.I walked upto him and asked."excuse me sir...but do you know Jo Nomore"

He looked at me in terror and said."no you must be kidding not ready yet...please I want to have a family...spare me"

Everyone stopped to look at us.I felt really weird."No you must be mistaken.. I'm searching for Jo Nomore"

He took a breath of relief and said"You are crazy you have a death wish woman..he is crazy."

One of the beggers got up and came to us..he kept a hand on the man's shoulders..and the man started trembling vigorously.

"You should be careful...what you spill from your filthy mouth maggot"said the begger

"Sorry....I didnt see you sir"the man trembled.The begger pushed the man down the stairs .The man stumbled and ran like his pants were on fire.

I turned to look at the begger.

"And why is such a beautiful woman looking for me."

"Are you Jo Nomore??"

"In the flesh"he grinned.

"Aunt Helga sent me"

"What for ladDie??"

"She told me to tell you that Croniquote is in bounty"

"Say that again"

"No was Cranquote I guess...yes ..cranquote is in bounty"

His eyes were wide with shock.

"Princess!!!!'re still alive??"


"Oh my come.......come follow me ......Everyone will be delighted"

"Who will be delighted?"

"Your people ...princess your clan"

ILL AS MY FATE CAN BE(Book 1)(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now