Vampires...... Suck?

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  • Dedicated to Maria

Over small talk and coffee, my friend said to me, "You're such a Vampire."

Okay, don't be scared of me guys. Calm down.

She didn't mean the cat-eyed, blood-sucking kind.

She meant the emotionless kind.

And in ways, it was true.

I threw away or locked away my feelings because..... well, most of them were hard to deal with.

I got a crush? Nope, I guess i can't talk to him for the next few weeks....

Things like that.


Emotions to me were like sunlight to a vampire

An obstacle that made you weak. 

An obstacle that could simply be avoided.

But eventually, I got tired of living in the dark.

Eventually, I got curious.

But when I stuck my finger out for a taste, i got burned.

And I was scared, of course. Aren't we all?

How could we possibly want to embrace something wholeheartedly if you already know the consequences?

Losing loved ones, missing people, heartbreak, sadness,

All of these are inevitable.

Unless.....maybe we could become immune.

All this pain isn't really good to "get used to", but maybe it'll make things easier.

Because yeah, I'm tired of the sadness and the heart ache, but there is so much more that I love.

Out in the sun, I'm happy.

I have people I love and care about, and people who I trust that love and care about me. 

And for what it's worth, the good definitely outweighs the bad.

Because emotions are what make us human.

And being human is probably one of the best things in the world.

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