The Hero Killer

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Phoenix journal: No. 1

Entry 87:

The UA sports festival just passed. A perfect opportunity to take notes on future heroes, especially the first years. I have the feeling the league will go after them again. There was only one thing that annoyed me somewhat, beside the fact it was a hero festival. Todoroki didn't use the fire aspect of his quirk while fighting. He only used it a few times after a fight to melt the massive glaciers he made. So, I did some research, and asked Dabi a few questions. In the end I figured out that Todoroki's father Endeavour isn't a nice father. He is abusive and violent. His only goal is to get Todoroki, his perfect creation, to beat All Might. And Todoroki's scar comes from an incident relating to his mother, which led her to being put in a mental hospital. I guess she suffered too much under her husband. No wonder Todoroki tries to block out his father by ignoring his own fire. Still, it's just childish. But I could also use this to my advantage. Someone who has suffered under a society filled with lies, corruption and fake heroes could be persuaded to join my cause.

Either way, I need to get working on what is to come, and right now that is finding a way of getting Dabi into the league along with that other person he talked about. I also need to do more research on all for one and one for all.

Entry 90:

I was right about my all for one and one for all theory. Whenever I look deeper into the results, I just get more and more confirmation for my theory. All for one's DNA segment responsible for the quirk factor is unnaturally long. Hundreds of times longer in fact. And when I look closer, I can see all the different quirks. But how does it work? The quirks seem to just be attached directly to each other in a long line. I have tried this before, it was the first thing I tried, and I ended up with nothing but a pile of dead test subjects. So how can All for one survive? It shouldn't be possible, unless there is something I still need to find. After all, I'm still not done looking through the data.

All Might's quirk on the other hand is relatively much more straight forward. From what I can gather, it's some sort of stockpiling quirk that can be passed down. There even exists remnants of other people's DNA and quirks hidden within one for all itself. Seven people to be exact. The problem is that whenever I try to copy the quirk, the accumulated power doesn't follow. I can give it to my test subjects, and they will start showing signs of the stockpiling quirk, and with some persuasion, have been able to give the quirk to other subjects by giving them their DNA. Sadly, the power increase doesn't come from passing down the quirk, but rather the time it is given to accumulate energy. And according to my calculations, the first one for all user must have come from the first generation of quirk users for the quirk to be so powerful now. Meaning, unless All Might gives it to me personally, it will be useless. Or maybe I can energize the quirk myself?

Deku was sitting alone in the bar going over his research when Shigaraki and Kurogiri came back from somewhere he didn't know. He didn't pay any attention to them until he heard a new voice. "Why is there a kid here?" The raspy voice said. Deku turned around to face the man, and was pleasantly surprised. "Stain. Nice to meet you. I am a fan of your work" Deku said in a pleasant tone. "And who are you exactly are you?" Stain asked. "I am Deku" Deku replied. "Well, I won't keep you occupied any longer. Get on with whatever you three have planned" He said and went back to his notes.

Deku's attention was taken again when he heard someone being slammed into the floor. He looked over and saw Stain holding Shigaraki down on the floor with a knife in his shoulder. "So, you want me to join you?" Stain asked. "No matter what you stand for, you need conviction. Without it, you're just weak and will be purged. This is why this happened." He continued. "That's harsh" Shigaraki said. "Kurogiri, get this guy out" He ordered. "I can't move. It must be Stain's quirk" Kurogiri replied. "Deku" Shigaraki called out.

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