The Rise

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Deku began laughing as the alarm kept blaring throughout Tartarus. He had waited for this day for a long time now. Just a few moments after the alarm began blaring, guards stormed into Deku's cell. They pushed him up against the wall and restrained him, all the while he kept laughing. "You really think you can stop my escape?" He asked. The guards didn't say anything as they restrained Deku to the point that he couldn't move. "You're being transported to a more secure location" One of the guards said. They then began moving him out of the cell and through the long corridors of Tartarus.

"Just give up and go home. It'll be better for you" Deku said as he was taken into an elevator. "My followers will never stop until I'm free. They'll level this place with the ground if they have to. Let me go and you won't have to deal with all the villains who will also escape in this chaos" He said, still not getting any response from the silent guards.

Eventually after minutes of long hallways and an elevator, Deku was brought through a series of heavy doors. As they passed each door, Deku could hear the heavy thuds as each door closed shut behind him. "You really went all out didn't you?" He asked once they passed the final door and into an empty white chamber. The guards pulled up their guns and pointed them towards the door they had just passed through.

"They say that you can neither kill nor capture an idea" Deku said. "To my followers, I'm the embodiment of an idea. The idea of a better world without injustice. Therefore there is no prison that can keep me without facing the full might of my revolution" He explained with a sinister smile. Another tremor then shook the room, noticeably more powerful than the last few times. Deku could see that the guards were getting nervous. "How is the situation?" One of the guards asked, seemingly talking to someone through his earpiece. A few seconds passed, before the guard repeated the question, this time with a bit more worry in his voice. "I told you that you should have let me go, now there is no hope for you" Deku said as he let out a laugh.

Suddenly, the lights in the room turned off, bathing the room in complete darkness. "Open fire if the door opens" One of the guards ordered. And if as on command, the sound of the door opening could be heard. "Open fire!" One of the guards shouted. The room was ingulfed in the sound of gunfire along with flashes of light. The sound of a body dropping to the floor could be heard and the gunfire ceased. "Wrong guy" A new and hoarse voice could be heard from behind the guards. Deku then heard the sound of someone else dropping the ground and the guards once more opened fire, this time without knowing where to shoot. Body after body could be heard dropping dead to the floor and eventually the gunfire ceased once more.

"The guards are taken care of" The hoarse voice said in an earpiece. The lights turned back on, revealing Stain, standing in front of Deku. "Stain, good to finally see a familiar face around here" Deku said with a smile. "Don't try to flatter me" Stain retorted. The vigilante the pulled out one of his katanas and held it up against Deku's throat. "Oh, so that is how it is" Deku said, his smile dropping and voice turning sour.

"I didn't expect another betrayal after Hawks" Deku said. "Then you shouldn't have tricked me" Stain retorted with an intense glare. "Tricked you?" Deku wondered. "I've done nothing but tell you the truth" He said. "So thought I" Stain replied. "But you haven't seen how things have changed. There are new heroes now, true heroes. Heroes who doesn't do it out of fame or money, but out of the desire to save people" He explained. "I don't doubt that Stain, but the system is still broken. A few good heroes can't fix that" Deku argued. "No, as long as there is at least one true hero, then the system can change. Your option only works if there is no other way" Stain said with conviction "I'll kill you, then continue my crusade against all the fakes, including your revolution" He explained.

"You won't succeed Stain. If you kill me, then I'll become a martyr. You can't kill a martyr. My revolution will only find new strength in my death" Deku threatened. "I take my chances" Stain said and raised his sword. Deku closed his eyes, waiting for the blow to come.

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