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Taehyung was headed his way to txt's dormitory, driving in his black jeep. Beomgyu had been stuck in his head non-stop while he was on the car ride. He hoped that by being there for him, he could help his baby get back to his special self. Taehyung started to remember what happened in the group chat...

  • personally, I feel like we should send somebody who has a personal connection with him
    u know, someone who actually TALKS to him

  • well there's really only one person for that job

  • ... r u guys suggesting that I go?

  • ur closer to him than the rest of us so
    yeah, I think it's a good choice

  • he'll listen to u taehyung, I just know it

  • ur really sure of it?

  • ofc we r tae!
    he GUSHES about u
    u inspire him tae

  • he's right tae, he'll be better in no time ^^

  • and it'll all be thanks to u

  • you've got this, taehyung ☺️

  • ... ok
    I'll go

Taehyung drove in through the driveway, then parking it as he made it through. He got out of the jeep, and closed the car door, making it to the entrance. He took the steps, and he was in front of the entrance. He knocked on the door, waiting for either Soobin, or Taehyun, or Kai, or maybe even Beomgyu. From outside of the house, he could hear yells.

"Guys, someone's at the door!" The voice of Kai was heard.
"Well who is it?!" Then the voice of Taehyun. He looked up at the window, seeing Kai peek through the curtains. He waved at Kai, and smiled. Kai waved and smiled back.
"It's Taehyung hyung!" Kai yelled.
"Well go get the door!" Taehyun yelled back. Then he heard shuffling, as they got louder and louder, and next thing he knew, Kai was there, holding the door open.

"Hi, sorry about that" Kai greeted, chuckling a little.
"It's fine, don't worry. Is Beomgyu here with u guys?" Taehyung asked, looking through the entrance to see if Beomgyu is was present.
"Oh yeah, he's here. Come in hyung"
"Thank you" Taehyung said, bowing to Kai. Kai bowed to Taehyung in return saying "Your welcome", then letting him go inside.

"Oh hi Taehyung" Soobin greeted.
"Hey Soobin"
"What's up, Taehyung hyung?" Yeonjun asked his hyung, whilst playing Terraria with Taehyun.
"Nothing much, I'm just here for Beomgyu"

"Oh ok" Yeonjun responded.
"You guys don't know where he is, do you?" Taehyung asked, as he went further into their dormitory, looking at all the pictures they put up.
"He's just in his room, hyung" Taehyun replied to Taehyung, killing all the zombies while having said that.

"Okay, thank u guys"
"No problem, hyung" They all said in sync.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Beomgyu sat on the bed, knees into his chest, staring off into the space. Beomgyu looked so pale, and he lost quite a bit of weight. Dark bags were under his eyes, his eyes that were dark in sadness. No longer were they the beautiful, bright eyes you saw,  but they were the eyes of a truly lost soul. Beomgyu heard knocks, and his attention was turned to the door.

"Beomgyu? It's Taehyung" Taehyung spoke from the other side of the door. Looking at Beomgyu, you could see that he lit up, just by a little bit. You could see a little bit of light in his eyes.
"Can I come in?" Taehyung asked, then Beomgyu thought about it. When he did, he finally did what he hadn't done in 2 weeks.
"Yeah hyung" Beomgyu said, finally talking in what felt like a century. Then, he saw Taehyung enter. Beomgyu definitely lit up, although his facial expression didn't show it. It didn't need to, because Taehyung knew it.

"How's it going Beomgyu?" Taehyung asked, sitting on the bed with the blonde.
"Good I guess" the blonde replied, his voice sounding depressive.
"Why are you here, hyung?"
"Why not really?"

"... I guess that's a good point"
"But the reason I'm really here is because your bandmates say they're worried about you"

Beomgyu went silent, feeling mortified by his bandmates. He couldn't even look Taehyung in the eyes.

"They said you haven't been coming out, or talking to them, or even eating. They've been trying to help you out, but you avoided them they said. What's happening, gyu? Is there something bothering you that's causing this?"

Beomgyu didn't know for sure if he didn't wanna tell his hyung the full extent of his suffering. He didn't know if he could trust Taehyung with the words he'd say.

"It's ok, gyu. You can tell me, I'm here for you"
Beomgyu took a deep breath, and prepared himself so he could tell him everything.
"It was... Those times when I talked with Yeonjun that, I realized my feelings for him. I thought about him day after day, never going off. I couldn't sleep or eat, I just kept thinking about him, wondering if someday, he could be mine. Yeonjun makes everything better for me. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he makes me feel special when no one else did. He taught me that who I was is okay, that it's okay to be different, because no matter what people said, I was the way I was. It changed everything for me, and made me fall in love even more. It makes me feel like I'm in heaven. But, now he belongs to someone else, and I'm craving someone I can't have. It's so hard, cause he's with HER, and she doesn't deserve him. No one does, not even me. The worst part is that she messaged me the other day, and basically FORCED me to stop seeing him by threatening me. And a life without him, is like a life without my BEST FRIEND, because that's what he is"
At this point, Beomgyu had been crying, and had been held in Taehyung's arms, comfortable in his embrace. Taehyung had even shed a few tears, even more heartbroken hearing Beomgyu go through all this.

"I'm really sorry that this happened to you. It isn't fair that you can't see him anymore, and you don't deserve this. But, why didn't you tell me? We could've solved this problem those weeks ago"
"I didn't wanna worry you. I didn't wanna be a burden to you"
"Beomgyu, you can never be a burden to me. You can never be a burden to ANY of us. You know you can always talk to me, right? You know if there's anything you need, I'm here for you. And your bandmates, and your other seniors"
"... I love you Taehyung hyung"

"I love you two, Beomgyu" the two of them hugged each other, crying together. They stayed like this for a little bit, holding each other like they were gonna lose each other. Then they stopped, and Taehyung had something else to say. Something he really HAD to say

"Tomorrow, your bandmates and my bandmates are gonna hang out in our chatroom to plan our whole day. Can you please, for me, try to be there with us?" Beomgyu gave it a little time to think about it, wondering if he would be there even if it was just for Taehyung.

"Yeah hyung. I'll try"

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