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Emma POV

I don't know how long I slept under the bed, and I dreaded getting out from under it. I was thirsty and I needed to use the bathroom. After listening for any sign of anyone being in the room, I crawled from under the bed. Drinking water from the sink didn't erase the taste of betrayal that plagued me every time I thought of Chris. Don't trust anyone, you're on your own.

After exiting the bathroom, wearing a fresh set of clothes— long sleeved shirt and sweatpants and feeling a little calmer--  I finally took notice of how hungry I felt. Over the last few days, I've been given a lot of food and to my glee I gained some weight. The clock on the wall read 04:25 PM.

I approached the door hesitantly, I wasn't sure whether it was locked or not. With a deep breath, I turned the knob. The door was unlocked. Before slowly stepping into the hallway, I listened for any sign of my captors. Nothing.

My heart was racing as I made my way downstairs. I silently walked into the kitchen and paused.

Did they all leave? Am I alone in the house? It must be some trap, there is no way I'd be left alone with the door unlocked.

Shaking with anxiety, I abandoned the kitchen in search for the front door. I was trembling so much, I struggled to move towards the door once it was in sight. What if they catch me again? Would they kill me? What if they decide to torture me? Where am I and how far am I from the nearest town?

I dug my nails into my palms as I clenched my hands into fists. This could be my only chance.

With a deep breath I hurried towards the door and took hold of the knob. It turned. It was unlocked. A feeling of excitement and anxiety took over me as I quickly stepped outside. I was barefoot save for socks, and I was hungry. But none of that mattered in that moment. I hurried down a flight of stairs and took note of my surroundings. My stomach dropped. I was in the middle of nowhere. At least that's how it looked from my vantage point. The mansion was surrounded by trees.

Just great. I'm gonna have to trudge through a forest if I want to make a run for it. Neither did I have food, nor did I have proper wear for the elements. Wearing only a long sleeved shirt, sweatpants and socks with no shoes, will not do. I'd freeze to death. Go! Run! Maybe there is something out there!

With a blow of cold breeze, I knew that I can't make a run for it just yet. I hurried back inside. I ran up to Chris's room and rummaged for sweaters and coats. I took off my sweat pants and put on a pair of jeans, only to wear the sweatpants on top. I found a second pair of socks and pulled them on too. Shoes. I need shoes. Looking through the shit Alex bought for me to wear, I found a pair of tennis shoes. Fuck yesss!

I felt time running out with every second that passed. They could be back at any moment. I sprinted down to the kitchen again and grabbed as many energy bars as I could fit in my coat pockets.

Feeling the ecstasy of my adrenaline rush, I sprinted to the front door and B-lined towards the woods.

I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out! I'm gonna be safe! I got out!

Just as I was deep enough inside the woods and out of sight, I heard the sound of wheels on dirt. I grinned, by the time they park and find out I've escaped, I'll be long gone. I hope. 


Thank you for reading!!! I love your comments and would love to hear some more input :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please vote <3 

Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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