Too Nice?

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Delanye POV

I closed Colby's door and I headed back to the main office where I met up with Dr.Deggins.

"How did it go?"

"It went great actually" I can tell he was shocked but I didnt know why,

"It went great?" I nodded

"So are you scared of them?" He asked me and I shook my head, making him even more suprised,

"How did you talk to them without getting hurt?" He asked

"I guess I have some magical powers" I said and he just standed there,

"I'm going to go back to Samuel" I say as I grab from my backpack with 10 small packs of sour gummy worms, don't judge me I like my gummy worms, he nodded and I went to Sam's door first, I opened it and it looked like he was happy to see me,

"Hey Ms.Thomas"

"Hey Sam, I brought you something" I say and I reach into my pocket and I give him a pack of gummy worms

"Wait... Seriously" He says sounding confused but yet happy, I nodded and he took them from my hand and he began opening it and he gave the first gummy worm to me

"Thanks Sam"

"Your welcome" He says, still smiling

"Im going to deliever the rest of the gummy worms to Colby, Jake and Corey, you guys each get 2 packs" I say as I give him the second pack, he looked happier than ever,

"Thank you Ms.Thomas"

"Sam call me Delanye" I say as I close his door, I go to Jake next, I open Jake's door and he jumps into my arms

"I thought I would never see you again Ms.Badass" He says and I chuckle,

"Jake call me Delanye" He nods and I close his door

"Why did you come to me?"

"I got a present for you" I say smiling but I notice his smile drops

"I-I trusted you, AND YOU BETRAY ME" He shouts

"No Jake i'm not taking you away and it's not anything bad" I say and his smile returns, I pull out the 2 packs of gummy worms and his face lights up, he takes them from my hand and smiles

"Thank you Delanye, you got me my favorite candy"

"I did?"

"Yep, Thanks you soo much Delanye"

"I gotta go and give Corey some so I will be back here for medication and check-ups" He groans when I say medication, and to be honest I dont think he needs any medication, becuase it looks like he is soo innocent,

"Calm down Jake i'm not actually giving you your medication, you dont need it" he smiles at me

"You are truly a badass Delanye"

"I know" And we both laugh, I think I can get along with Jake easily, I leave Jake's room and I head to Corey's, I open his door and I see he was sleeping, I nudge him and he jumps

"Oh, it's just you, I thought you were Dr.Deggins coming to take me away to "Therapy", next time say something"

"Okay and Sorry, but I got you something, and its nothing bad" I pull out another two packs of gummy worms, and his tired eyes suddenly went wide, he snatches them from my hand and begins eating them

"Thanks Ms.Thomas"

"Corey call me Delanye" he nods and I begin leaving his room when he ask

"Are you coming back?"

"I'll be in here for medication and night check-ins but dont worry I ain't giving you medication, you honestly dont need it"

"You are the best nurse ever" He pulls me into a hug and i hug back, after our hug I leave his room and I go to Colby's

"Coooolbyy" I say as I open his door, I see him at his desk, drawing, he turns his head as I say that

"Sup Ms.Thomas"

"Nothing much Colby you?"

"Just drawing"

"I got you a present!!" He smiles and I pull out the gummy worms, he smiles as I give him the gummy worms, he eats them like its his first time, when i'm leaving he asks the same question Corey did

"will you be back soon?"

"i'll be back for medication and night check-ins, but dont worry I won't be giving you any medication, you dont need medication" He smirks at me

"You are truly something Ms.Thomas"

"Colby call me Delanye"

"Sure do"

"See you later Colby"

"See you later Delanye" I leave his room and check the time, 8:21 pm, Jesus I was off work 21 minutes ago, i go to my car and I just sit inside, this is truly going to be a good job, I cant wait till 10:00 pm when I come back for overnight shift.

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