His POV of the attack

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Colby POV

I stare at my blank dirty grey wall, I hear a knock on my door, think it was delanye so I say "Come in!" the opens to Mrs.Selo ugly face, my smile turns into a frown

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Ohh nothing much... except for your rotting dead body on the floor," she says with an evil grin as she pulls something out of the pocket, a needle with to much tranquilizer juice

"You little Cunt," I say angrily

"Oh but don't worry, it will only hurt a bit" she comes at me with the needle ready to hit my veins, I grab her wrist and I punch her in the nose, and I kick her in the knee,

"You little shit," she says to me and she tries to get back up, I slam my heel into the shoulder and she screams, well fuck, I'm going to the danger ward today but who cares at this point? I keep punching her face until she's knocked out cold, I them slam both of my hands into the wall, my knuckles are now more bloody and painful, I sit on my bed and I just wait for the security guards to come and take me, I hear the door open, well goodbye room, I open my eyes to see Delanye, she runs straight to me and not Mrs.Selo, surprising

"Colby! what happened?" I begin to explain,

"She came in here and she was trying to overdose me with the Tranquilizer, because she put way too much in there than usual, and she just came in here and tried to attack me" she nods in understanding, unexpected but okay, she then grabs my hand and starts walking down to Dr.Deggins office, i tighten my grip because I don't wanna go there and explain the situation, Delanye opens the door and sets me on the table

"Ms.Thomas can we talk outside"

Dr.Deggins asks and they both walk outside, and I'm in here by myself, I zoned out until I hear

"NO HE'S NOT" By Delayne's voice, after a few more minutes they walk in and Delanye calls security to my room, a few minutes later, security walks in with Mrs.Selo and sets her on the next table, Dr. Deggins walks up to her and begins questioning her

"Mrs.Selo?" Dr.Deggins ask

"Yes" it was so quiet i could hardly hear her,

"Can you explain why you were in Cole's room trying to overdose him with tranquilizer juice?"

"H-he was not listening to me during activity time"

"BULLSHIT, I had him with me the whole time," Delanye says to her and she gulps

"And why kill a patient? when they did no bad?" Dr.Deggins questions,

Mrs.Selo puts her hand into her pocket and takes out the tranquilizer with so much tranquilizer juice in it, she attempts to hand it to Delanye, she tries to take it but she grabs her arm and sticks it in, putting in about 3 quaters of it into her bloodstream, i jump off my bed and i rip it out of Delanye's arm and i punch Mrs.Selo in the face, the security guards grab me and put in enough tranquilizer juice in to make me sleep i fall asleep the sams moment Delanye falls to the floor...

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