Regina's Garden

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"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!" Adam thought franticly as he hid behind a pallet of tile clutching the department phone to his chest. The bad news- he was stuck in the flooring department, being hunted by the stores biggest, most infamous slut, the Kejourou cashier named June. Tales of her exploits were mamono legend around the store; from blowing an entire group of contractors in the parking lot, to fucking 5 different male associates in a single night, she was the stores alpha slut. Now she had her sights set dead on Adam and his preciously guarded virginity.

"Aaaadam, I know you're heeeeere." June sang from not too far away.

"I've had a boy from almost each and every department except yours. Don't you want to help me complete my collection?" she giggled. "I promise I'll be gentle, you'll never even miss that pesky virginity when I'm done."

That was the bad news. The good news- he was fairly close to the sliding doors to his own department- outside garden. If he could make it, he would be safe. His department head, Regina, had a very strict no rape policy and luckily enough for him she was working today.

"Aaaaadam.... ohhhh Aaaadam, this little game is making me VERY wet. I can't wait to fuck you!" June said huskily as she slid by the flooring design desk, her hand up her short skirt, rubbing herself.

There was no way in hell he could outrun her as it was, she was too close and too fast with that hair of hers she could grab him instantly, then game over. Adam had one desperate hope however, as he dialed a number on the phone.

The design desk phone rang its usual annoying tune, distracting June for a split second, enough for Adam to make a break for it. Running as if his life, well... virginity, depended on it, Adam made good distance to the sliding doors. 50 feet...30 feet.... 10 feet... 5 feet, almost there! The automatic doors opened, as if they were welcoming him home. Adam could feel relief in his heart building step by step until a rope of hair shot out grabbing his left foot and sending him crashing to the hard concrete ground. His arms and hands out stretched, fingers just touching the doorway. The bitter taste of being captured filled his mouth.

"Almost lost you," June laughed as she began pulling Adam back to her awaiting embrace. "You have noooo idea how wet I am right now, but you're going to find out soon my naughty little garden boy."

Tears began to stream down Adams face as he desperately tried to claw forward, fighting a losing battle against the Kejourou's superior strength. Flipping himself around he saw June sadistically smiling, standing legs spread, skirt pulled up, franticly masturbating in front of him. He didn't want it to be like this, he wanted his first time to be special, romantic and tender with someone he loved and that loved him back. Not violently stolen from him by a selfish whore that was trying to meet her own personal sex achievements. Just as Adam thought that all was lost, a southern Atlanta accented voice called out.

"Bitch, what the hell did I tell you about raping my associates?!"

A pair of thorny green leafy vines shot out grabbing the hair that ensnared Adam. Another vine, but without thorns, wrapped its way around his waist keeping him from moving any further. Twisting himself around, he saw his savior. Regina the Alraune stood at the doorway, hands on her hips and a look of pure rage in her eyes.

The Kejourou paled and froze. Releasing her hair from his leg and letting her skirt fall back into place. She quickly plastered on a fake smile and waved.

"Oh hiiiii Regina, no, no no Adam and I were just playing around!" June said with mock cheerfulness. "I wasn't going to do anything, honest! We're just friends."

"Playing around, my green derriere, if I EVER find out you tried to rape one of my associates again, I'll be testing out my new titanium garden sheers on that mess of rags you call hair, understand me darlin?" Regina threatened making a scissor cutting gesture with her raised fingers .

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