Electrical Situations

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"Yeah... that's right you downstock those light switches..." breathed Karen to herself as she watched her prey. Hiding behind an endcap, the Raiju spied on her own associate as he began to fill the shelf.

She was not only one the newest supervisors, she was also one of the youngest at 20 years old. It was a promotion she had badly needed, being a now single mother wasn't exactly the easiest to pull off financially. Being newly promoted came with its fair share of difficulties but she was more concerned with a personal one at the moment.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Came a voice behind her.

Karen let out a surprised,"Eepp!!" as she weakly discharged a small spark. Turning she found that her friend and fellow co worker, Diana the Cheshire Cat had snuck up on her.

"Damn bitch, what's up with you?" Diana said jokingly.

"Oh nothin, just checking out a potential someone," Karen replied, giving her a quick hug as she peaked around the corner to see if he had heard anything. Thankfully the oblivious associate was still down-stocking.

"Hashtag creeper status." Diana remarked while jutting out her hip, "Come on chick, let's go to lunch!"

In the break room, the two unpacked their lunches as they began to chat.

"How's Stacy?" Diana asked, referring to her friends cute 4 year old kit, as she took out and opened a large container containing her favorite food.

"She's good, her hair's been such a pain though," Karen replied taking out a sandwich.

Stabbing a fried mouse with her fork, Diana pointed it at her friend,"So spill it, why were you all creepin on that guy?"

"Well, you know I've been kinda on this dry spell since Darnel and I split," Karen began.

"You mean since you dumped his abusive ass." Diana interrupted. Diana always hated her friends boyfriend. A year ago when she found out that he had been hitting her as well as other shit, she pleaded with Karen to dump him, if not for her then for Stacy. Luckily, Karen agreed and with her help, managed to secretly move into an apartment across town and get a new job.

"Well, yeah, but anyway I've been trying to get my groove back but I haven't had any luck until I saw this," taking out a magazine she laid it on the table for Diana to see.

"Sexmo? Really, you still read that high schooler trash mag?"

"Just look, please!" Karen begged as she pointed to the cover.

"Fiiiine," Diana rolled her eyes as she peered down,
"5 easy steps to get your fur silky smooth?" She asked intrigued.

"Below that!"

"Top musts in a man to fuck to get your groove back..."

"Exactly! And he meets 4 of them needed to make it happen!" Karen exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Diana asked in disbelief, biting into crunchy deep fried mousey goodness.

Holding up her hand, she listed off the musts with her fingers.

"Ok, so one; he works for me, means we'll have this whole forbidden romance thing going on. Two; he's older- I checked his records- he's like 10 years older then me. So, yeah, an older man. Three; I hear that he's a single dad too, so we have comparable backgrounds. And finally four; according to rumors, he's never had a Mamono, sooo I'd be the one to bust his cherry! When I'm done and got my groove back, this fuckin store won't need an electric company, they'll have me!"
She proclaimed, chest heaving with excitement.

Diana eyed her friend, chewing slowly. Finally when she swallowed she pointed the empty fork back at Karen and said, "You a crazy bitch."

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