Good night

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        That night I laid in my bed without even checking my phone, nobody to talk to because nobody wanted to talk to me. Then I heard someone knock at my door and my first thought was missionaries, thankfully I was wrong. I got up and answered the door ready to spit in someones face then kick them in the gut but it was Earl. 

        I looked at him in astonishment then finally I was like "Come on in Earl! What's up? How do you know where I live?" I continued to look at him confused.

        "I'm like the king of Columbus. I know everything there is to know about anyone and every cop in this town is wrapped around my finger. I want you to know that I've got your back because my homie Kiera likes you so far." He stared at me as if wondering why, "Now come with me because I've got some things to tell you. It'll happen eventually and no time is better than the present."

        I laughed at him and responded "No, Earl I am not going anywhere with you right now. I'm tired and was about to go to sleep, maybe another day."

        He looked at me oddly "Well can I come in and talk to you real quick?" His eyes almost pleaded with me.

        "Yeah sure, I don't see why not. I mean you seem like a good guy so come on in. What's going on man, why do we need to talk?" I curiously interrogated him.

        He looked at me coldly and I got this bad feeling in my gut and a shiver went through my spine, "It's about Keira. She's mine don't you dare touch her or even think about her wrong. I will destroy your entire life because I run this town and nothing happens here without me knowing." 

        I stared at him in awe and spat out the words, "Ge the fuck out of my house now. You should just hope I never see your face again you skinny little prick!" I punched him in the gut and threw him at the door.

        He ran out of the house crying and I wondered what would happen from there, I knew me and him wouldn't get along now. He had threatened not just me but everything important to me, I wish he hadn't brought my mom into things because she was the only thing that really mattered to me anymore. I went out and sat on the porch hoping nobody would try to jump me or anything like that, I was tired of leaving a trail of violence in my wake, makes me feel kind of sick to my stomach. Then I went inside and ayed down on my bed which led to me having a dream. Those are never fun being me and I don't remember very many of them, what I do remember is the chills and the sweating. I remember the mud on my shoes and blood dripping from my mouth. The psychologists were saying I was having nmight terrors till they watched mud appearing randomly on my shoes and jeans and then random cuts all over my body and swollen lips and black eyes. All of these things came from nowhere. When I laid down I knew there would be more of this, I just had a bad feeling that I was going to have a really bad dream now.

        I found myself hiding in my room from the beasts, I was hiding from the djinn because they wanted to manipulate us. They needed somehting to fill their desire to cause trouble and I would not allow myself or my mother to be one of those things. The red headed one how dangerous he could be was just crazy, but with all the recently learned things I knew I was more powerful than him. I just am not aware of how to use that power I've always been aware of my physical prowess but I don't know how to use my runes and all of that other stuff. I came to the realization not even 3 months ago that I am the fallen angel of spirit, the djinn were tricksters this one in specific had been known in many reincarnations over time. He was Loki and he was Puck but he was also Hermes and many other deities that were tricksters, he even led to the original belief in Satan as an entity. This djinn in particular is very cunning but not just that he is also very angry, with me. I stole the one person he had ever truly loved right out from under his nose but he was unaware that the reincarnated forms of the first angel that fell from grace and the reason that angel fell were destined for each other every time. Or at least that's how I was taking it, like nature was trying to re write the original story through it's end. This time around it was seeming like it would end very differently because Earl as the djinn currently calls himself has taken Keira to a different realm called the Neverland, this place has been known as dangerous to all who do not have a guide. He has sent a mass of his kind to hold me back from going there after him and finding a guide. 

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