Chapter 3

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Clara and I hopped out of the car once we reached our school, and with a sweet smile and wave to my mom, we unknowingly walked straight into a death trap. C (as I always called my best friend) looked stunning (as usual). Her long black hair was gathered on top of her head in a messy bun, and her brilliant green eyes sparkled curiously in the sunlight. Even the strands of hair out of place looked if they were meant to be there. I savor that moment to this day. It's the last time I remember seeing C look so alive and carefree.

"C'mon Linds!!!" She said, breaking out into a run towards the heavy front door. "I'm coming!!!" I giggled, chasing after her. The sun was shining in the bright blue, cloudless sky, as it always was in the spring in Wyoming. The mountains towered protectively above us. Everything was perfect.

"God, it's a beautiful day," I said to C. "Perfect for a run? You say that about EVERY day Linds!" She teased back. "What do you say we...skip class and get a few miles in?" I laughed. We both knew that we wouldn't risk our straight A's for even an ounce of freedom. We couldn't disappoint everyone. We had to do what was expected of always. "It's not like it's not gonna rise again tomorrow, stupid" C lightly elbowed me. I laughed along, not knowing how wrong either of us was. Once we got inside the building, it was only a matter of time until we would be surrounded. The world loved us, what can I say? ;) I was friends with practically everyone in the school, and so was C. It was wonderful, knowing all those people, claiming a place in their hearts...but it was also scary. After all, the higher up in the clouds you are, the more likely you are to fall.

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