Chapter 4

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I approached my locker to find my friends (besides Clara) already waiting there. I couldn't help but smile. We were the most crazy group...nerds and jocks and preps all mixed up into one family of insane besties. It wasn't perfect...and that's why I loved it. "OMGOSH LINDSEY!!!" cried Lucy Gala, my slightly nerdy yet lovable friend. She used to get made fun of because of her glasses and bright hair...but once C and I met her, we scared off all the bullies and took her in like a sister. "Leo winked at me today. In the hallway. ME! Oh gawd does that mean he likes me?!?" Lucy inquired excitedly. Everyone knew she had a huge crush on Dustin's friend, the cute &slightly mysterious Leo Gonzalez. "Pipe down, Peach Head," teased

Shayla. She was pretty, popular, and a little rebellious...a combination that had the guys swarming her like fruit flies. We all knew her home life was pretty tough...she practically raised her siblings on her own. That's why I loved her- in spite of everything, she was strong, good hearted, & REAL. "It's not like impossible or anything," Lexi Anderson chimed in. Lexi had long wavy brown hair and was into cheer and modeling. She was sweet&sensitive, and she loved love. "After all, Luke winked at me when we got together!" Luke was Lexi's funny blonde bf, and this got a lot of hopeful squeals from the group. "It TOTALLY means he's into you," I smiled reassuringly. "YES!!!" exclaimed Lucy, before a wave of panic washed over her. "OMG do I look okay? I should've worn a dress today.." "Who cares?!?" replied Casey. She was a total tomboy and didn't care what anyone thought of her. It was a great quality to have, and one that she shared with her boyfriend Brayden (who played football) and our sweet, carefree friend Elly, who had just walked up. Her brown hair was dip dyed pink and was pulled back into a ponytail. "Leo?" She inquired. "Yep." Said C. "If he DOESN'T like you..." began the ever daring and athletic Brit Hawthorne, "We've got ya covered." "Totally!" exclaimed the pretty star tennis player Katrina. "And if not, I got my racket..." "And I've got mah brick," I said, high fiving Casey. "Theoretically, you can't do much harm by swinging a brick at someone. The mass of the object would bring down your momentum..." started our ingenious Kelsey. Shayla rolled her eyes. "Long story short...we love ya Lucy. And we'll always support you," I said with finality. "Thanks Linds. Youre angel," Lucy grinned. "You kidding? She's EVERYONES angel!" said Era, taking a rare break to look up from her anime sketchbook. "The one and only," winked Kelsey. "Golden girl!" offered Elly. "Perfect," whispered C. And in that moment as we all hugged, everything WAS perfect.

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