Chapter 9

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We were 45 minutes into the show, and were just reaching the best part. Dustin wrapped his arm around me as the two protagonists shared a first kiss. Perfect was the only word to describe that moment. Me and all of my favorite people in the world, gathered together to celebrate my special day. My thoughts were interrupted as C stood up quickly. She crept out of the theatre so quietly that I think I was the only one to notice her disappearance. "Be right back," I whispered to Dustin. I ran out of the theatre just in time to see C vanish into the bathroom. When I reached the women's room, I tip toed inside, trying not to make any noise. The room was empty except for one stall at the end of the second row. And coming from that stall were the most disturbing noises I had ever heard. The occupant was coughing, gagging, and (by the sounds of it) vomiting. Clara. "Clara!" I yelled running to the door. My best friend needed me, I was sure of it. Maybe she really WAS sick. C opened the door, and her appearance shocked me. Her black hair was slightly tousled, instead of it's usual straight and orderly perfection. Her pale skin had a greenish tinge to it. But her eyes...her eyes were what haunted me the most. They were not sparkling, not shining like the beautiful emeralds I was used to. They were dim. Afraid. Lost. "Oh my god," I squeaked out. "What happened..." C shoved past me& went to the mirror over the sinks. "Best of both worlds," she said, before digging around in her purse for a piece of cinnamon gum. "I get to eat. And I get to stay thin." "You didn't...oh no," I began. "Oh yes," Clara interrupted. "Eat what I want and get it all out. I throw it up Lindsey. It's my new life." She produced a hairbrush and began work on fixing her appearance. I was shell shocked. My best friend was bulimic. "Come on, Linds. Don't want to miss the ending, do you?" she said breezily as she left the restroom. I stood there for a few moments, trying to take it all in. "Your new life..." I whispered. My voice was barely audible in the empty bathroom. "It could be your death, C." And with that, I followed my best friend back into theater 13.

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