"When you stop chasing, they start noticing."

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"Let go of me." Irene hissed as she yanked her hand out of Jisoo's grip. She looked into the dark brown orbs in fury.

"You and I need to have a talk." Jisoo spat. She had dragged the brunette from her locker to an excluded area in the school.

"About what! Jennie broke up with me a week ago. It's past news!" The cheerleader scoffed. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be happy? You and her can finally get together."

"It's not about me! It's about Jennie." Jisoo countered. "And I'm only confronting you about it now because I didn't trust myself around you, alone, the last couple of days. I didn't know if I could restrain myself. You really screwed up, Irene. You hurt her and I wanted to hurt you. Badly."

The girl only rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance. "I'm not scared of you, Kim. I've been with Jennie long enough to know that you are nothing but a coward." She mocked.

Jisoo clenched her fist and tried to even her breathing. "Don't you dare call me that!"

"It's true!" Irene retorted. "You are a fucking coward, Jisoo. You claim you 'love' Jennie yet you just stand there and let someone else make her happy. You didn't do anything to win her over those four years you've known her. And now... Now that there's nothing holding you back, you go off with some soccer player!"

"I didn't do anything because I respected her relationship with you! She was happy so I let her!" Jisoo yelled. "And leave Nayeon the fuck out of this."

"You blew it, Jisoo." The brunette chuckled ominously. "You had a chance to scoop the broken-hearted Jennie and yet you turned the other way."

The volleyball player took a sharp inhale and glared at Irene. "You are fucking twisted, you know that!"

"Oh honey, sometimes you have to play dirty to get the prize."

Something in Jisoo snapped causing her to punch the locker next to Irene's head. A small dent formed around her fist. The cheerleader shut her eyes and winced at the sound of the fist colliding with the thin metal.

"You didn't deserve Jennie." She bowed her head as gritted through her teeth. "She's too good for you."

A silence filled tension surrounded the space. Jisoo held her hand where it was as she tried to regain control over her emotions while the other girl's breath quivered.

"I knew from the moment she met you, I lost her." Irene croaked breaking the silence. "I tried to win her back all throughout freshman year. I did. But all she could talk about was you. I mean how can I compete. In her eyes you were perfect. "

The cheerleader felt a tear escaped her eye.

"I tried, Jisoo. But at some point, I had to accept the fact that I had lost her. She stayed with me, yes, but it was never the same."

"That doesn't justify your actions, Irene. You should have broken up with her the moment you knew." Jisoo growled lowly.

"I know. I was selfish." Irene admitted as she wiped off the tears streaming down her face. "I held on to something that wasn't mine to keep."

The dark-haired girl pulled back her hand and clutched it tenderly. She couldn't feel the pain due to the amount of adrenaline in her system but she knew it would feel like shit later.

"You could have done it you know." Irene said softly. "You could have easily taken Jennie from me all those years."

"She loved you." Jisoo rasped but the other girl only shook her head.

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