"My biggest fear was falling in love with you."

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Jisoo fluttered her eyes open and blink a couple of times as she took in the new surrounding she was in. She tried to lift her body up but felt a sharp pain shoot through her sides.

"Fuck..." She groaned.

"Chu?" Jiyoon rasped, perking up from her seat. She rubbed her eyes to clear the sleep off it and examined her younger sister. "You're awake!"

"I am... Jiyoon, where amI?" Jisoo asked in confusion. She looked around the white room and furrowed her eyebrows as she took a whiff of a familiar scent. "Am I- am Iin a hospital?"

Jiyoon walked over by her sister's side. "Kinda." She uttered with a small smile. She grabbed one of Jisoo's hands and squeezed it. "You were asleep for almost 5 days. I think I should get mom and dad in here."

The older girl turned away and was about to let go of Jisoo's hand but stopped when she noticed Jisoo tug it.

"Wait." Jisoo said."Why am I here? In a hospital, I mean."

"Umm... you don't remember?" Jiyoon craned her head to her. The other girl only shook her head. "What's the last thing you do remember?"



Jisoo walked the halls of her new school with her chin held high. It was the first day of her freshman year and she felt confident. She clutched her books securely and waved to a couple of girls that she had met through volleyball. Her eyes caught a glimpse of brown, wavy locks cascading on a petite frame caused her heart to jump and to stop her tracks.

She locked on her teammate that she had developed a crush on. Jennie had her hair down. The girl wore high waisted shorts and a white crop top, which only made her skin look even more flawless. This was the first time Jisoo has seen Jennie in something other than a t-shirt and spandex.

"Perfect." Jisoo mumbled to herself before making her way to the girl.

Jennie was stuffing some books in her locker when she felt someone shadowing over her. She turned her head and foundher teammate grinning widely at her. She arched an eyebrow and closed her locker giving the other girl her full attention.

"Hi Jisoo." Jennie greeted with a playful eye roll.

"Hey Jendeukie." Jisoo replied flashing her pearly whites. "You look beautiful today, babe."

"Jisoo, please." Jennie snorted. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tilted her head.

"What?" Jisoo asked innocently. "Can I not compliment a fellow teammate?"

"Wipe that smug smile and maybe I'll let you." Jennie retorted as she folded her arms in front of her chest.

"Ouch." The pale girl feigned offense. She brought her books to her side and reached over to take out the hair from Jennie's ear. She fixed the strand so that it fell nicely along with the others. She lifted her eyes and met soft brown orbs staring at her."I like it down. It makes your eyes pop."

"I- uh... t-thanks." Jennie stammered, shifting her gaze away from Jisoo. Her cheeks reddening from the genuine comment she had received.

Jisoo bit her lip and continued to peer over the shorter girl. She noticed the corner of Jennie's mouth curl up causing her to beam.

"One down, One hundredf orty-three more to go." The dark haired girl blurted out.

"Huh?" Jennie knitted her eyebrows and looked up at Jisoo.

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