"If you love it, never give up on it."

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"Thanks for tonight, babe." Irene said sweetly before pecking Jennie in the lips and stepping out of the girl's car. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

Jennie nodded and flashed her girlfriend a sad smile. Not once did Irene remember to greet her throughout the day. However, she couldn't say she was surprised. It seemed like every year the couple drifted farther and farther away from each other. She watched the girl's petite frame disappear through the wooden door only then deciding to pull away.

The drive to her house was pretty short and all she could think about was throwing herself in her bed. Once she parked, Jennie was quick to jump out off the car and run to the front door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" She boomed as she entered her humble home.

"Nini." A small voice bounced off the walls followed by a tiny girl dashing towards her. Ella hopped onto her older sister with a toothy grin. "Happy birthday, butterfly queen one."

"Thanks." Jennie chuckled, wrapping her arms tighter as she struggled to hold the small girl up. Her exhaustion was catching up with her but she didn't want it to show. Luckily, she didn't have too. Jisoo emerged from the same direction where Ella had come from.

"Ella." The brown-eyed girl scolded. "You and I are still playing, you know."

The little girl smirked at Jisoo before burying her head into her older sister's neck. Jennie furrowed her eyebrows together as she saw Jisoo approach them.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, shocked evident in her voice.

"Eating dinner..." Jisoo replied casually. It was natural for Jisoo to stay and eat with the Kim's. After many games and practices, the girl had gotten to know Jennie's family and grew close to them. Her eyes caught Jennie's arms quiver slightly and was fast to pull Ella off her teammate. She hated seeing Jennie so drained. "Let's go, Ella you're losing by the way."

Jennie followed the pair to her backyard, where laid a variety of her favorite dishes. Her dad was on the grill talking to Jisoo's father while her mom was placing candles on the cake. She found Ella sitting on top of her teammates shoulders giggling with Jisoo's siblings.

"Jennie, I'm glad you can join us." Jisoo's mom, Dara, beamed as she passed by the celebrant to help set up the table.

"What the hell is going on?" Jennie muttered to herself as she surveyed her crowded backyard.

"Jen!" Jennie's father, Jiyong cheered catching a glimpse of his daughter. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm glad you didn't miss your own party." He smiled.

"I didn't know there was a party to miss." Jennie grunted. She loves her family and the idea of the whole dinner but she was tired. All she wanted to do was to lie down in her cozy and sleep.

"C'mon. Let's eat!" Jiyong announced. Jennie trudged over to where the dishes were and sat down by the cake.

"Hey there, grumps." Jisoo addressed plopping down next to her teammate. Jennie groaned dramatically to drive the other girl away only making Jisoo scoot in a little closer. "Have fun on your lame dinner with the mistress?"

Jennie scoffed as she shook her head. Jisoo always thought as herself as Jennie's wife and Irene to be the other girl, which Jennie found highly amusing since it was more likely to be the other way around.

"It wasn't lame." She defended weakly. Dinner with Irene and her friends were always interesting but it wasn't like dinner with Jisoo.

"Well it doesn't compare to this spread." Jisoo motioned to the entire table filled with food.

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