"It's okay to not be okay."

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Jennie rested her forehead against her locker as she stared at the ground. A small puddle had formed in front of her feet of which was from the tears dripping down her face. She was trying to contain her sniffles but her breaths kept getting heavier and heavier, harder for her to breath.

"Nini, are you okay? We heard-" Lisa murmured, sympathy evident in her tone. She placed a hand on her captain only to get it shrugged off by the other girl.

"I'm f-fine." Jennie stammered interrupting the taller girl. She forced her eyes shut, a pelt of the salty substance escaping by it.

"Nini..." Rosé tried.

"I said I'm fine." The brunette gritted through her teeth. She clenched her jaw and made a fist with her hand.

"Look, Jennie we know what you're going through-" Rosé counseled but was soon cut off when she heard a bang coming from the locker making her and the other girls flinch. Jennie's fist was driven in the metal panel.

The volleyball setter whipped her head towards her teammates and glared at them. Her eyes were puffy red and her nose flared up.

"No you don't." She hissed. "You don't know what I'm going through. So stop pretending and telling me that you do!"

"Jennie, she's our friend too!" Yeri spoke up, raising her voice.

"But she's my best friend!" Jennie howled as her breathing became harder to control and uneven. "She's my be-... I-I can't do this." She backed up until her back hit the lockers. "I c-can't be here."

Lisa looked at her best friend and immediately felt despondent for the girl. She saw how hurt and broken Jennie was. She took a step forward to comfort her but Jennie raised her arm out.

"No, no, no." Jennie cried frantically completely breaking down. She slid down and sobbed. "Please." She whispered in a devastated tone. "J-just... just leave me alone. There's nothing you c-can do to make me feel better. I n-need her."

Rosé and Yeri turned their head at Lisa. They all shared the same look and understood. Jennie needed space but they couldn't just leave her so the three girls decided that it'd be best if Lisa were to stay.

"Nini... we can't leave you by yourself, so Yeri and I will go to class and Lisa will stay here with you." Rosé explained carefully as their captain pulled her knees to her chest. "We'll see you at lunch, okay?"

There was no response. The pink-haired girl looked up at Lisa and sighed in defeat. Lisa flashed a small smile before nodding them off. She gave Rosé a small peck on the cheek then let them go on their way.

"We love you, Nini." Yeri stated filled with compassion as they departed.

The two girls walked away, leaving Lisa with Jennie. The Thai ran her hand through her blonde hair and looked at her best friend. She slowly prowled next to where the smaller girl sat and stealthily plopped down next to her.

There was awkward tension between the two. Jennie wanted to be left alone while Lisa wanted to comfort the other girl but didn't know how.

"I know you say you want to be alone right now, but you and I both know that you don't." Lisa uttered in a concerned voice. "I'm here, Nini. Please let me be here for you."

Jennie lifted her head up and craned it at Lisa. She stared at her blankly as her mouth quivered. Her eyebrows were knitted together and her doe eyes filled up with water.

"It's okay to not be okay." The taller girl husked.

And with that Jennie spluttered out and let her tears fall freely. She threw her arms around Lisa's neck and rested her face on her chest as she cried.

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