Chapter 1

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Quick info.
The story has errors to prevent thieves from doing what they are good at. Hope you don't mind.

Heart's Pov.
Heart right? Wierd name yet so unique. I havent heard it a lot .  Am a twenty three  year old  orphan . I dont know who my parents are neither do I want to waste my energy knowing who they are , I am one of those kids dumped in a dustbin picked by a good samaritan garbage collector , I was named Heart Elorie , no clue who even named me that . I was taken to an orphanage run by a catholic church . I spent my 17years in that assylum , I call it assylum because of how strict and tough they were , they did do some good things though , like teach me how to act like a lady and maintain my dignity , how to eat ,and proper etiquette sex was a sin , according well to them .
I made a friend , her name was Eleanor , she and I grew so close  , I loved how dont care she was , she was oftenly called to Mother Superior's office . She defied 90%of the rules .  She was such a free spirit .
Until one  night  when she began to feel unwell , I got her some painkillers ,  she kept throwing up . I suspected something was a miss .
I sent  the mail man to buy some pregnancy tests , he did so , she took the test it came out positive , she was pregnant . Pregnancy was by far worse in the orphanage that would by a quick send off without any consideration .
"Whos the dad?"I asked her .
"  Its Austin's " she said . I was quite surprised. Austin is her bad boy , he was a drug dealer and hes been in jail for possession of  illegal firearms ,  Eleanor   was a molly fan , I was scared it may affect her pregnancy luckily she assured me she has been clean for two months , Austin was twice her age .
  Months went by , she hid her pregnancy until she couldnt hide it anymore , her bump was catching up quite fast no trench coat could cover the bump .

"Eleanor you are no longer  part of this community  you have done a sinful act of fornication "Mother superior said .
" whatever bitch! "She said.
"Please mother , she's only pregnant having a child isnt a crime  where will she go ? This isnt the victorian era "I said .
" the board has made its decision , as well as I myself "She said . Fuck the cunt board!
"Okay fine then let the fucking board know am also leaving!"I said .Eleanor was not just my friend she was my sister , plus where how would a seventeen year old pregnant girl go to all alone . 
We left at seven in the evening , everyone watched us as the nuns, sisters and mother superior gave us  "shame" looks of disgust .
"You didnt have to Heart " Eleanor said .
" I care about you "I said ,
"Thank you love " she said , she always liked calling me love as Heart was almost similar to love .
We went to Austin'a apartment , it was quite big but very uncomfortable  smell of drugs and alcohol , I will keep a close watch on Eleanor so she doesnt do drugs while pregnant , with a baby girl . Austin deeply loved her he spolied her with clothes and did  baby shopping for  her , I wish I found someone would love me like that   she would bring the goodies he got her to the cube some she would give me while we were at the orphanage , Eleanor and Austin were like the modern day Joker and Harley Quinn. She loved him because he was a badass , who didnt give a fuck  about life but at times i was worried about her , their arguements gave me scares ,  one day he caught her by her throat and said "sometimes I fantasize about killing you but because you are pregnant I cant ". Eleanor   convinced me it was nothing he was just joking after watching a bdsm movie , which ofcourse I didnt buy the excuse , I kept my eyes open  .
I managed to secure a job at a local restaurant , I made some income but things werent looking up between Eleanor and Austin , he was a control freak and a psycho at some point, he would not only abuse her verbally but  physically , I feared for my friend's life more than anything. I tried all I could to stop him from hurting her.
  She gave birth eventually to a beautiful babygirl , she named her Mighty Love . She was so cute . I was so happy for her cant wait to have mine , though the birth process was  scary yet magical , just to see a baby pop out of the vagina as it stretched was so wierd and amazing .
Two weeks later Eleanor was back into drugs , she didnt breastfeed her Daughter , she would neglect the child , I fed her baby formula  and was compelled to take her to work with me , as I had  a bad feeling about leaving her with her mother . I resigned from working in the restaurant and got an offer to work in a  five star hotel , atleast my pay would be higher as well as I would have enough time to take care of Mighty .
One day I came from work  with Mighty as usual , by then she was three months old ,
The door was open strange  but nothing was missing  so I ruled out robbery , I called Eleanor but there was no answer, I laid Mighty in her cradle . I went to look in every room as my guts felt a bitter taste , something wasnt right , the house was so silent ,  I opened the door to Eleanor' bedroom , I screamed at the sight of what was before me , She lay in bed bloody with foam coming from her mouth her eyes wide open  next to her was Austin he too laid in the same position , there was a lot of blood dripping on the floor , I ran out , took Mighty who was by now awake , he babybag and ran out , tears streaming down my cheeks luckily there was a police patrol car just outside  the apartment , I ran towards it , the police officer got out .
"Shes....she.. shes... help me ... shes .. hes ... in. Bed .... oh my god ! No !" I stummered barely able to compose myself .
"Maam I  cant understand what you are saying please stay calm" he said stay fucking calm ! My bestfriend is dead on her bed along with her boyfriend how will I stay calm !
"Just follow me " I managed to say , as I led them to the apartment and to the room of where their bodies lay , but didnt get inside  I didnt want Mighty to see her parents laid in bed naked .
", we have a situation " one of the officers said on his walkie talkie .  The other led me away from the room and asked me to sit in the living room , I held on Mighty poor baby she didnt deserve this .

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