Chapter 23

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Tyrone's pov.
I watched he
while she was unconscious,
"Is mommy going to be okay " Mighty asked .
"Yes she will princess shes just resting "I assured her.
"Then why isn't she waking up?"she asked looking sad.
" maybe shes tired "I said not sure what else to say , luckily my mom walked in , she took Mighty into her arms they sat at the couch and she let her play some games from her phone eventually she fell asleep and laid her head on my mom's lap .

"So how is she?" Nate asked
"Shes has depression and stress at a risky level" I said .
"She will be okay man , dont stress" he said as he pat my shoulder. I sat next to her on the bed as I held her hand kissing it softly , she will hopefully wake up , I fell asleep.  I felt soft touches on my hair . I woke up , she was awake .  Her daughter woke up too , she embraced the little princess , I had a feeling something is bothering her and its not what I did . I was still waiting for my PI to give me a call in course of the day to inform me more about her and her daughter .  When everyone left she asked what the doctor  said I told her she had depression and stress and it was really taking over her entire body functioning . She said "they" before leaving it at never mind is there anyone threatening her life , who is this "they " and what do they want. 

She thanked me for everything , its always my pleasure to help her in any way if only she would tell me what is bothering her, my mom seems to have made a new best friend with Mighty , they have been inseparable ,she did ask Heart to take Mighty over to her house for a visit sometime . 

As I drove her to her apartment she looked withdrawn and stressed out I was starting to get worried , she seemed to be in deep thought , she looked at me for some time am not sure what she was thinking exactly about. 

She invited me to her apartment , shes very tidy just like myself , and shes trained her daughter to be decent the little girl just went to the kitchen got some oreos placed them on a plate and brought them to me with a sweet adorable smile , I still cant get over the fact that she called me daddy at the hospital . 

"Come honey its time for a bath "Heart said to Mighty .
"Please dont go "Mighty said clinging on my tightly .
"I wont princess ,I promise " I assured her . She looked at me then followed her mother into one of the rooms .
Someone knocked on the door I opened it , the mailman , he handed me her mails , the usual bills slips but one caught my attention , it was her being issued with a notice I didn't get to fully open it as I didn't want to look like a nosy creep though I was so curious to open it as i was about to open it my phone rang it was my PI.
"Sir , "he said
"Yes Mr Collin  proceed "I said .
"I found out some information  about the subject , which I prefer to tell you in person and not on the phone if its okay with you sir "He said .
"No problem , I will be in my office in thirty minutes " I said.
"Very well sir ."he said. The call ended , Mighty walks to me and sits on my lap she has a sweet cherry blossoms scent just like her mom , and a pink bow on her head. 
"She really likes you "Heart said .
" am also surprised too " I say .
"Thank you for everything Mr Leo "She said .
"You are very much welcome Miss Elorie "I say , suddenly I felt an urge to change her to be Mrs Leo .
I told her she had some mails , she had a look at them as Mighty and I watched a funny Donald duck clip from my Ipad .

I saw her face drop when she read the letter that was in the envelope I wanted to open , she looked so stressed out and saddened, I had to rush to my office to see my PI maybe he could give me leads to find out what is stressing Heart .
It was a struggle to leave her daughter wouldn't let me , I promised her I would come back , she cried seeing me leave .
"Shes never been like this with anyone , do come and see her please "Heart said . I promised I will come back to see them both .
I got into my office well slightly late , my PI was already in .
"My apologies Mr Collin ."I said .
"Its okay sir , shall I proceed." He said .
"Go ahead "I said .

"The subject Miss Heart Elorie , has a shady past , she left the orphanage and insulted the Mother superior , they say they suspected she had a demon because of her eye colour  , her friend was pregant so from my research and findings , she left the orphanage because she valued her friend so much and stood up for her .

They both moved in with her friend whose name is Eleanor  Maya to her boyfriend's apartment Austin Woods . Austin was a drug dealer , after Eleanor gave birth she drifted to drugs and neglected her daughter , eventually she was found dead  three months later in her apartment she stabbed Austin twenty five times before stabbing herself reports say she must've had a fight with him as she had high amount of cocaine in her system."he said.

"So Mighty is not Heart's biological daughter ?"I asked
"Yes , but she took care of the little girl from the day she was born informants say she would go with the baby to work , walk long distances make a living so she could provide for the little girl , luckily she went to work with her the night the homicide took place "he said .

"But years later , Child services began to go into Miss Heart 's history , they claim she's not fit for adopting Mighty due to her past , Mighty's mother past of drug use that she too could be a drug user, and she cant manage being a single mother with a huge financial burden over her shoulders "he said .
"So that means they could take Mighty any day and give her off to another family "I said .
"Precisely "He said .

"That would destroy Miss Heart completely  she would die if they take her daughter away from her " I said sadly , it would kill her to not have her daughter with her seeing her given off to another family what if that family is packed with pedophiles?They cant use stupid reasoning to take away the child from the only person she called mom. That could explain the reason for her stress and depression.
"Is there any way I can prevent them from taking her child ?"I asked .
"Yes there is "he said.

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