Chapter 60

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Heart's POV.
The next day I went out to look for a house, I still had some cash in my account , I needed a home for my kids and I . I found a house about 6km away from Nate's house. It was a three bedroomed house with a spacious backyard , I liked its interior design it was snow white and grey .

Mrs Leo came along with Nate to help me with some furniture shopping , kitchenware, and some christmas decorations since christmas was two weeks away . Mighty came along too , the baby was so calm in his stroller. Mighty and Nate went to have a look at a couch while Mrs Leo and I sat down so I could breastfeed Knight.

"I talked to him , he's so different , its like I dont know him "Mr Leo said.
"I noticed that too , I just hope he comes to his senses, soon Mighty will find out from friends in school what he did "I said .
"Heart, you need to tell her the truth , outsiders wont tell her in a nice way and it may affect her psychologically ."she said .
"Shes really going to be hurt , she was so fond of Tyrone she even asked about him the first thing she woke up . "I said . I had to lie that hes still finishing to paint the house .

I tucked my boob back in after Knight was full. Mrs Leo carried him, he is still adjusting to the new surrounding , as he stares around , hes still a newborn .
"He looks just like his daddy " she said .
"And handsome too "I said . I still miss my husband , he made me feel so powerful and loved I just wish he would come back.

The house looked like a home , I had a complete sofa set, kitchenware, dinning set, beds , a cradle for the baby , baby essentials , a piano , a study table for Mighty , more suitecases , a decorated christmas tree.

"Mommy, will daddy come for christmas?"Mighty asked . We were watching a movie as I held the baby.
"Honey daddy wont be coming for christmas"I said .
"Why ?"she asked . I hate to tell her the sad news.I placed the baby in the cradle he was already asleep , I had two one in his room and another in the living room .

I came back and sat next to Mighty .
"You see honey , when one adult does something bad it spreads like a fire, and it hurts the other person and in order for the other person to be happy she has to move away "I said .
"Did daddy so something bad to you?"she asked .

"No honey not really ."I said .
"Mommy I already heard about what he did from friends in school , am not mad at you I love you very much "she said .
"I love you too honey "I said as I gave her a hug .
"Will I ever see daddy again?"she asked .
"Sure honey "I said I dont know when , I will never deny him to see his kids he may hate me but his kids will always be his kids.

We watched the movie until she was sound asleep , I carried her to her room and tucked her in bed . The baby woke up , I ran him a bath , changed his daiper then breastfed him . He fell asleep shortly after. Knight is such a sweet angel he doesnt give me a hard time with feeding hours or changing time .

I had just finished cleaning the Knight's cloths , he was sound asleep as I checked on my phone which is connected to the baby monitor . I heard my door bell ring . I Went and answered the door. Mighty was in her room placing some butterfly stickers on her wall .
It was Tyrone .

"Hey come in please "I said . He walked in no greetings very well. He looked at me from head to toe , I just had a baby so I am a little bit insecure about how I look , I was so puffy when I was pregnant now that am not ,the babyfat makes me feel so insecure .

"Thanks "he said as he took a seat.
"What can I get you ? "I said .
"Am good , wont take much of your time "he said has he finally come to his senses, does he want us back ? I should start celebrating .

I looked at my phone and saw the baby was sound asleep .
"So what brings you here"I asked .
He signed .
"Am here to serve you "he said . I am so lost .
He hands me a large envelope he had on his hand when he came in .
I slowly open it and read through its contents and discover that its a divorce .

"You are divorcing me ? I had a baby just four days ago and now you want to take my kids away from me "I said .
"Just sign the damn paper, you can meet someone else and have more kids " he said .

I lost my cool I took the paper teared it and slapped him .
"Fuck you ! I Will Not sign it! "I said .
He caught me by my neck and pinned me on the wall gently squeezing making it uneasy to breathe.
"You are an uneducated fat slow woman look at you I forced myself to kiss you and would wash my mouth seven times after ! So backward with everything .

The reason I married you was because the child services wanted to take that brat you call daughter, shes so useless and ugly like you , why did I even adopt her !I regret it ! You both make me sick! "he said .I looked behind him and I shed tears looking at who stood a few meters behind him . He turned around .

Mighty was crying and it pained my heart to see her like that , Tyrone let his hand off of me .
Mighty ran upstrairs.
"Tyrone just leave , I can handle all those insults directed to me but mentioning my daughter and calling her ugly pains and provokes me shes only a child , just stay away from us!"I said .He just stared at me with a surprise look and for some reason I felt like he too was hurt that he broke Mighty's heart, he loved her so much like she was her own.

"Get out of my house Tyrone leave Now!"I said . He walked out and left . I went to Mighty's room she was crying as she lay on her bed .

"Honey am really sorry about that ."I said .
"It really hurt mommy... am I ugly?"she asked .
"No honey , please dont let that get to you , you are a beautiful princess and I will always love you no matter what"I said .
"Thank you mommy, and you are you okay ? "she asked .
"Yes I am honey"I said .

"But he was holding your neck "she said.
"It was nothing honey ."I said .
"Come with me to the kitchen , I will make you your favorite icecream then we will play teaparty "I said ,
"Yess"she said with a broad smile of joy on her face.
The baby had just woken up I carried him and headed downstairs to make Mighty some strawberry vanilla icecream mix.

Nate came in shortly to check up on us. He stayed with Mighty as I ran Knight a bath and changed his daiper, then breast fed him . He fell asleep and I laid him to rest.

I turned on the monitor and left the room .
"Mommy can I please watch some cartoon?" She asked .
"Sure honey "I said , she ran to the living room .
"Is there something you are not telling me "Nate asked.
"Like ?"I said as I served him some coffee.
" He was here "he said .

"Yes , he came to serve me with divorce papers. He was so verbally abusive he called my daughter ugly "I said .
"Tell me how it happened"he asked .
I told him the whole story .He stood up so furious and hit his hand on the wall .
"I will surely strangle him "he said.
"No please dont , I will handle him , just dont hurt him please , he will come around someday "I said .
"Heart he called you fat , useless and called my niece ugly ? He is sick in the head ."he said .
"I dont know why or what made him change so suddenly ."I said.
"So what will you do now?"he asked .
"I really dont know Nate . I just dont know what to do ."I said .
"I will deal with him just be strong okay "he said . I nodded.

Not only was my husband's insults tormenting me , but also the media wouldnt let me be , papparazis kept showing up whenever I was at the mall , taking my son to the hospital for a monthly vaccine , buying some groceries , I felt so humiliated by my husband's cheating the only privacy I had was in my home the estate bans papparrazi s since its in private gated community .

I began to get depressed but one night I recieved an email it was from an unknown lady she sent messages of encouragement to me , Mrs Leo also kept encouraging me , soon more emails began to pop in my phone all telling me they love me , they have my back , encouraging me everyday . Soon I began to feel better people I didnt know were so kind and incentive some told me of their similar experiences othes preached to me on forgiveness .

My name became a household name , I began to get calls to feature in movies, songs , to do interviews , fashion shows ,photoshoots and even someone wanted me to do porn seriously who does porn when shes been cheated on .
All in all everyone wanted to hear what I had to say , my reaction to the affair my husband is still having . I thought about it and decided to do one interview to speak out just one . I am not looking for a pity party , I just want to be heard about how I feel and call it a day .

"The interview has been set to tommorrow at ten are you sure you want to do this ?"Nate asked .
"I am certain, I need to let out how I feel and answer the burning questions that need answers to "I said.

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