Chapter 24

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Heart's POV
As I read the letter from the fucking Child services bullshit I felt a bitter pain in my chest , it was a notification that I have twenty four hours to take Mighty to them or they will have me arrested and take her bastards. I know this is just plain stupid , they want to take her sell her to some rich family which I know of , but I am alone to fight this , I have gone to court but they won all the cases .
I cant leave the country since they took my travel documents otherwise I would have left to a far away place with her .  After Eleanor gave birth , she used my name as the mother of her child on the birth certificate which I later came to find out several years  after her death ,  it reads am the child's mother , but Austin didnt sign the birth certificate for the fear the cops could catch him , if Eleanor would have signed her name on her birth certificate the cops would have used her to get to Austin thats why she used my name as well as to keep her daughter safe from some enemies in the drug trade community who may want to harm Austin indirectly using his child , well I was honored  they used my name as the biological mother of Mighty though I still dont know how she was able to get hold of my ID . Still that didnt prove anything to court to stop them from taking my daughter at this point am desperate to do anything to fight for my daughter , which leaves me with two options to keep fighting in court or get a powerful man to marry , someone who is twice richer than I am , a decent record , no criminal record , and willing to take care of Mighty as well as love her as his own , am not looking for what will benefit me but for my child, I grew up in the orphanage and stories of some kids who went for adoption and made it back are not so pleasing very few found good loving homes , others found fucked up individuals who abused and sometimes raped them and girls would sometimes be forced into being whores , very few found the perfect families , Eleanor appeared again in my dream this time she looked sad and pleaded I dont let them take her daughter , as she cried .
The next day , I got ready to resume  work as usual and drop Mighty for her music classes .  My nanny had travelled to India to take her sister for a heart surgery  so I was still nannyless  I would drop out of work early and go pick my sweetheart from her music classes.
"Heart I dont think we can have you with us anymore"Mr Robin said .
"What !why?"I asked surprised.
"This job is risky for you , this isnt where your destiny lies , I want you to grow into what you ought to be not drive some rich folks around , some who sexually assault you and it hurts to hear some client touched your breasts because you are nothing but a driver "he said .
"I know you care about me but I need this job where will I get money for my daughter's fees,  her clothes , food and all , you cant do this "I said .
"Am sorry Heart here's your pay "he said . He handed me a white envelope I took it angrily
"I will remember this "I said . Now great! Now am jobless. I drove to pick Mighty from her music classes .

I sat stroking Mighty's hair  as she laid her head on my lap watching Mr Bean , there was a knock on my door , on opening it was the police  and the two people I didnt want to see, the workers from Child services .
"We are here for the child "  said the officer , Mighty stood behind me holding on tight .
"Mommy dont let them take me away " she said as she began to cry .
"Give us the child " said the Child service worker . I knew I was powerless at this point no job ,or anyone to help me out I had no option but to let her go . I turned to Mighty and hugged her tightly the my poor baby was sobbing and shaking.
"Honey , be a good girl , I will come for you  very soon"I said as tears streamed down my face.
"Mommy ... I dont want to leave you ... "she said  crying
"I love you very much , "I said I planted a kiss on her  forehead , she clung on me as the idiots took her .
"Mommy please... mommy ... mommy "she cried out I closed my eyes painfully please forgive me Eleanor .I cried so much watching her being taken away from me my biggest nightmare had just began . 

I dont know how many bottles I had drunk , I just wanted it all to be a nightmare and wake up to Mighty sleeping soundly in her room , am here all alone without my child , the one whom I devoted my life to take care of some bastards think they are holier than me to take her. I had bought a lot of alcohol , am jobless and alone no one to talk to all I could hear were her screams in my head , I took my car keys and just drove , luckily I could manage to drive while drunk that night , I went to his mansion , he offered me money to sleep with him so why not , that money would help file a case to stop Mighty's adoption process to some sick family I know of especially the man I know is a pedophile  . I am a virgin I could fetch a lot of money, at this point i didnt care all I wanted was my daughter home with me .
His security was too slow for my pace I ran into his mansion after packing my car , looking at my reflection I looked like a tornado survivor  , messed up hair , my mascarra messed up thanks to crying , red eyes,  in my jeans short , and  short tight top i was barefoot I didnt realize that before I began to drive .
I found him in his masterbedroom . Shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants.
"I agree to your offer , I will take half a million the pussy is yours"I said .
"Heart , have you been drinking ?"he asked looking surprised .
"Just fuck me and give me the damn money !"I said .
" Heart you are not okay , where is Mighty"he asked .
"Stop asking questions , just fuck my and give me the fucking money damn it !"I said getting more angrier and frustrated .
"Heart No , am not fucking you and paying you , you are not a prostitute"he said .I was so angry not at him but at myself , nothing is working out for me , losing two things in one day great just great !
He walked towards him and pushed him .
"You are going to fuck me and pay me "I said .
"NO "he said . I got so frustrated all the anger I had erupted like a volcano , I hit him on his chest with my hand , he didnt fight back, I wanted to anger him into ripping off my clothes and fucking me and later paying me . I hit him again he stood still .
"Fight back!damn it !"I yelled at him pushing him to provoke him  he didnt fight back instead he took me into his chest and hugged me at first i kept fighting but became weaker to fight I was overwhelmed with sorrow , my cheat laid on his chest as tears ran down my cheeks I sobbed uncontrollably .

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