Chapter 53

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Tyrone's pov
Heart trying to outsmart my kissing skills has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard . I am not bragging but I am the best kisser. Making love to her is amazing , it just makes me wonder why I took too long to wife her. I seem to also have moved on from Camilla , I can't stop thinking about Heart I wasn't like this with Camilla .
I woke up and watched  her sleep , my beautiful wife . She is so fucking gorgeous . She wants me to decide for her on how to go about her anal situation , I am still anticipating to try double penetration with her .
I make up my mind .
She wakes up her sexy amber eyes looking back at me.
"Hey , didn't you sleep?"she said .
"I did but woke up to admire you "I said , she smiled .
I kissed her temple .
She laid her head on my chest . I Wrapped my arms around her for comfort.
"Can I ask you something "she said .
"Go ahead Heart "I replied .
" Is your um.. dick really naturally big ?"she said . I Laughed . I get that a lot , I have never used any enlargement lets just say am blessed .
"Yes its naturally real, love "I said .
"Wow ! Its huge "she exclaimed , this is so funny but I will take it as a compliment .
"Did you enjoy the threesome?"I asked . She blushed .
"I loved it Tyrone , it was beyond what I fantasized "she said . I wanted to make it the best she will ever have .
"Do you want it again"I asked . She looked at me .
"If its okay with you "she said . Anything for my baby.
I will make plans for it as soon as possible plus watching her get fucked is a turn on , how she moans , her body moving , her clutching the sheets fuck! This girl is beyond perfect .
"I know you said it but , how did you pull the catfish act? "she asked .
" I saw your ad on the website , the owner of the website is actually Nate its his , your office has a camera so I was able to see everything from my office . "I said , she gasped .
"Nate owns the website !"she said shockedly
"And many more Heart , "I said .
" I just dont know why I never concluded it was you , you are a great actor "she said .
"Am honoured Heart, I am sorry for the shitty words I said to you the night we nearly made out about virgins , it was insensitive "I said.
"Its okay Tyrone , its all in the past ."she said . I wash Heart then she washed me , we end up having another steamy sex in the shower as a result .
We got dressed and head home .
We found my mom at the poolside bed as Nate and Mighty compete to swim.
" my son and beautiful daughter -in -law. " my mom said . I give her a hug and so does Heart.
"Mommy ,daddy" Mighty said , she comes out of the pool and runs toward us I hold her carry her and swing her around she giggles so adorably.
"Mighty wanna make a bet"Nate said.
"Yes."she said.
"If I win you will apply makeup on daddy "he said . Snake Nate .
Mighty looks at me and smiles . I whisper to her her bet if she wins.
"And if I win you will dress as a princess on my birthday "she said .
"Deal"Nate said giving me a wicked look .
Mighty walks to the poolside edge Heart and I sit on the poolside bed.
"Shes the best swimmer in school he cant beat her "Heart said.
" fingers crossed "I said .
"But I still wouldnt mind seeing you in a makeup"Heart said.
"Are you betraying me"I said . She and my mom laughed . I dont want to imagine myself in makeup .
I want to referree but it leads to a debate so we decide to call one of the staff to referee , we call Andrei just someone neutral.
Mighty and Nate position themselves to prepare for the go before they dive .
"On your mark, get set , go!"Andrei said . We heard loud splash I cheered Mighty my mom cheered Nate . She is a great swimmer but she lost to Nate .
"Yes! Tyrone must wear makeup!"Nate said .
"Don't get too excited "I said .
"I won fair and square"Nate said yeah right.

This is the most stupid stunt Nate has ever pulled on me someday I shall avenge Nate , just someday.
Heart laughed until she cried looking at me .
"Am so sorry but I just cant "She said bursting into laughter.
I have two meetings that I must attend and I have to go like this ? Though Mighty isn't a bad makeup artist. She had applied some matte scarlet red lipstick on my lips , blue eyeshadow with glitter and pink blush on my cheeks and shiny stuff on my cheeks and nose.
"You look like cinderella's evil step mom"Nate said.

Heart pov
I just couldn't keep it together Tyrone seriously took the bet and let Mighty do him a fullface makeup , he doesn't look so bad but hilarious .
We head to the meeting and am so surprised Tyrone looks so composed despite the fact he looks like someones evil step mom why didnt I ever think of this idea before .
I walked into his office to drop some contracts for his final signature.
"Baby can you get me some coffee ."he said .
"There is coffee on your desk ."I said .
"I want hot coffee "he said . I signed .
"Please..."he said making cute blinks that crack me up . I get him some hot coffee.
I bring to his desk.
"Thanks darling "he said .
I resume my work as usual .

That night we have a great time watching a movie , Tyrone, Mighty and I . I still haven't figured out why I have this feeling I have forgotten something .

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