Chapter 71

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Heart's POV
When I opened my eyes I came face to face with Tyrone's strong stare as he sat next to the bed .In a normal circumstance I would have began to rethink of an episode of Criminal minds or some documentary on a killer but its Tyrone he does what you may sometimes find odd.
"You do know its creepy to stare at someone when they are asleep"I said .
"I could stare at you all day and night ."he said .
"Too bad we are not married "I said as I got up he signed .
I went to the bathroom to have a shower, he joined me . We didnt talk we just showered he would scrub me and I would do the same , no words exchanging just movements.

I still love him I really do but I fear trusting him , I fear hes just acting all sweet then one of his ex's will pop out of nowhere and he will run back to her .
I did look up Belle on the internet , and she was indeed gorgeous and very wealthy . Born from a prestigous home , rich mom and dad, she studied in Harvard, she worked as a supermodel infact one of the highest paid she looked way better than I did. I wouldnt blame Tyrone for choosing her over me since she was 100×better than I was.

I was nothing , no clean papers just an unwanted baby from a gang rape despite the fact that my mom tells me a dozen times shes so proud to have me despite the fact those bastards did to her , I still feel like a piece of shit .
I walked out of the bathroom to dry myself . I wore the dress I had worn on the "date " I checked my phone for any notifications I had a client to drop at a hotel at noon .
"Heart "Tyrone called .
I looked up but didnt look at him . I couldnt , I didnt want to.
"Yes "I said .
"Please look at me , we need to talk "he said . I gathered myself to look at him and his eyes widened with shock .
"Have you been crying ? Why ? "He asked as he stepped closer and held me .
"Its nothing , just baby hormones , still breastfeeding "I said .
He just stared at me blankly I couldnt tell what he was thinking .
"I need to get home , get ready for work in the evening"I said not looking at him .
"Why wont you look at me "he asked . I looked down , he lifted my chin and I looked up at him .
"I should head home to get Mighty ready for school and feed the baby."I said .
"Nate already dropped her off to school , your mom is with the baby "he said .
"How did you know "I asked .
"Nate texted ,"he said .
I sat on the bed , he was also fully dressed , in some jeans and grey shirt .
"Heart , I dont know how to tell you and show you how sorry I am . I can tell you have been crying because of me . I cant justify my actions . All am asking is for you to give me a chance to fight for your love to take care of you and the kids , to prove myself that am willing to account for my mistakes . "He said .
I am not an emotional person but at that time I found myself crying .
"I just dont know what to do , I didnt expect to be at twenty five , divorced and a single mother . "I said as I wiped my tears away .
"Each and every day I ask myself what did I not do right that would make you run to another woman maybe because I was pregnant at that time . What does she have that I dont . I looked her up on the internet . The girl has a remarkable background way better than I do . It hurts so much Tyrone especially when everyone was laughing and mocking me some people began to make fun of Mighty in school and it pained me to see her in that situation "I said .

"You are not like her , her body was fake you are real you are amazing and so damn gorgeous . "He said .
"But still Tyrone you choose her over me , look at us right now , am no longer your wife , you made the decision to sign the divorce papers because all you could think of was her , I was nowhere in the picture I had no option but to sign . "I said .
"I love you Heart , I was just stupid and lost . "He said .
I didnt say anything because what was there to be said? whats done is done , our marriage is over ,we are over its what he wanted and he got it . My main focus is my kids they are looking up at me as their wonder woman I cant let them down .
"Please say something Heart "he said .

"Tyrone what is done its done , our marriage is over we are no longer husband and wife . I trusted you , I loved you . But you stabbed me in the chest . You threw me out of your life like a piece of shit I am shit anyways . Belle needs you , she came back for you . She seemed to make you happy more than I did . Tyrone you never took me out to places you took her , you never held my hand like you held hers in public you didnt even want people to know I was your wife .Those papparazzi pictures haunt me everyday ."I said .

"I only wanted to protect you from media scrutny , they will dig deep into your life and use it to bash and downgrade you , I didnt want that for you . Believe me when I say I love you till date "he said .
I let out a fake laugh .
"Really wow mr superman what else were you saving me from ? Between the media and you the man that didnt show up at his first son's delivery , chased me out of his house at ten at night when I was still sore from giving birth and showing up at my house to call me fat and useless , your mistress tried to burn my kids and I alive in our house . Who is worse off? You have no idea how painful it is to be called fat and useless and ugly when all you did was sacrifice your body to carry a child for nine months to a man that is fucking his ex . You dont love me Tyrone , you just never did "I said .

"Please Heart , I ... I am sorry please "he said . I took a deep breath .
" please say something "he said .
I looked down then looked up wiping away the tears .
"I need to head home . I need space , this isnt going anywhere , we are done its over . For the kids I will try to put on a smile face and act all cool . "I said.

"No we arent, you still love me and I do too . We can try again we can fight for our love , please dont give up on us "he said .
"Just drop me home will you ."I said. He signed
"Okay then"he said .
The drive to my mom's mansion was silent neither of us talked , he looked at me more than on the road buy somehow he would manage to drive so smoothly .
When I arrived I didnt want to talk abouy it I just went to my room and stayed there and sobbed so much .
My mom walked in .

She held me as I cried .
"Hush my baby ... its okay ... everything will be okay "she said softly .
"It really hurts mom ,so much ."I said .
"Forgiveness is a process honey , you just need to let it go without rethinking how it happened . "She said .
"I just dont know if I can "I said .

"Honey , I was gang raped by an entire football team but I had to forgive myself for being in that party and letting those men take advantage of me and I ended up having you my greatest joy . If I wouldnt have let go I wouldnt have found you . Everything takes time someday you will see "she said .

Since that day Tyrone and I have never seen each other eye to eye .He would pick the kids and spend time with them , he knew I needed space and he respected that . Days went by rather fast I couldnt believe Knight was turning six months old. Everyday I would look at him I would see Tyrone innocently looking back at me .

Mighty was fond of Tyrone I began to fear she may end up being a daddy's girl she wouldnt sleep without calling him , I know am probably the worst mom for denying her a family she always wanted but I did all I could to make sure she was still connected to her dad.

One morning I woke up feeling so sick when I went downstairs to take some water alongside some headache pills I was surprised to find my mom had the same feeling . I kept throwing up and so did she and it was so funny .

I thought it was food poisoning but the last thing I had was some coffee I felt so horrible .
I kept throwing up and feeling so nauseous its like I was having some morning sickness and so was my mom .
This were the signs I had when I was pregnant with Knight . I sent the housekkeeper to buy ten pregnancy kits just to test before we could rule its food poisoning.
She did bring them my mom and I both looked at each other then went to pee in the sticks we waited for like an eternity until they began to process the results and without notice they all came positive .
"Honey we ... we are both pregnant "she said .I was in shock .
One shes expecting my other sibling
Two am pregnant and in a broken relationship with Tyrone .
"So whos the dad?"I asked .
"Nate, hes the last guy I was with . "She said . Nate is the father of her baby its just wierd how love operates , he seems to really love my mom , shes been glowing with joy ever since they met.
"And what of you honey , you dont seem too excited "she said .
She already knows who the father is .
"Tyrone and I are not even in any relationship , bringing another baby is just going to be hard, "I said .
"Maybe you can talk to him about it see if you can arrive at a common ground for the sake of the kids. I will invite the twins to dinner tonight so we can both tell them , just stay cool honey you will be fine okay . "She said .
"Okay mom "I said . Mother and daughter knocked up by twin brothers its just funny .
"By the way you never told me how you and Nate happened and he ended up getting you paged "I said .
"Well it all started ...."she began to say.

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