CHAPTER 3 Part 1

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Edited Aug 23, 2019

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Edited Aug 23, 2019



The boys had called me and told me to meet up with them at a bar called Ace's Bar.

I have never been to this bar before but I have heard that a lot of bikers and gangs would hang out there.

This was not my kinda scenery, but what had really surprised me was that Mark and Dino wanted to hang out there.

Mark was never the kind of person who wanted to associate in that kind of environment before, I wonder what had changed his mind.

As I'm sitting in my cab ride waiting to be dropped off at the bar,  I could see in the corner of my eye as I look outside of my window the cab driver kept on taking glances at me and for some odd reason, he would bite the bottom of his lip.

"Are you sure you want to be dropped off at this address sweetheart?" He asked as he drove.

"Ya, I'm sure," I kept my answer short, not wanting to talk to him much.

He looked to be in around his late 40's. He had a bold pack at the top of his head and pepper-like hair on the sides. I glance down a little to see that he was wearing a really dirty black T-shirt.

"By the looks of you sweetheart, I didn't think that you where that kinda girl who goes to that kinda bar?"

What does he mean that kinda girl? What was this guy really thinking in his head about me?

So instead of answering his question I just kept to myself as I looked outside of my window hoping that we would arrive soon.

So instead of answering his question I just kept to myself as I looked outside of my window hoping that we would arrive soon

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Once he had stopped in front of the bar I looked over at the meter.

Instead of waiting for him to tell me my total which was $23.00 I throw him $25.00 and said keep the change.

I got out of that cab as fast as I could and hoped that I would never see that man ever again in my life.

As I stepped out I looked over at the doors.

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