Ace is rude, arrogant a womanizer until he met Rosie.
Only she could change his cold heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Ace didnt until he laid his eyes upon her.
Ace is a Gang Leader who hated the way the Mafia did there business, think...
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Aug 24, 2029
"Oh my God," I said out loud putting my hand onto my head.
I literally felt a throbbing pulse in my head going boom boom boom boom, It felt like my head was about to explode.
Why was my head hurting so much? And why couldn't I remember what had happened?
How did I even get home last night? Mark must have helped me, ya he must have done that it's my only conclusion I could come up with at this moment.
My eyes were still closed as I laid in my bed, my body was turned on its side like I normally like to sleep.
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Right at that moment, I felt my stomach starting to feel sick, my mouth was starting to gain extra saliva in it giving me the indication that I was going to be sick.
Placing my hand over my mouth, I got right up out of bed I was about to go to my bathroom but stopped in my tracks.
Blinking a few times as I looked around the room.
This was not my room as I wondered where I was but my stomach had just reminded me that I was about to be sick when a little puck had come up my throat.
Turning my head towards the light that was on in a room that was across from me that looked to be the bathroom.
Running towards it not caring at that moment where or why I was there, I just needed to get to that toilet.
Once I had found what I was looking for I dropped down onto my knees emptying my stomach as I throw up which looked to be a brown mixture.
The smell was horde so I flushed, Once I had nothing left in my stomach I leaned over to sit on my butt to give my knees a break because they were hurting.
I ripped a piece of toilet paper off of the wall dispensary so I could whip my mouth with it.
5 minutes later I had gotten myself up off the floor, walking over to the sink, turning the water on then coping my hands together to gather some water so I could rinse out my mouth.