Ace is rude, arrogant a womanizer until he met Rosie.
Only she could change his cold heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Ace didnt until he laid his eyes upon her.
Ace is a Gang Leader who hated the way the Mafia did there business, think...
"Where is he?" Rosie shouted out loud as we entered my Warehouse, I followed her from behind.
The guys that where here were staring at her like she was one crazy bitch who looked to be on a mission.
"It's all good guys just go back to what you were doing."
My guys just turned back around starting to work back on what they were doing before we had come in.
I grabbed Rosie's arm and held it tight swinging her body around to face me.
"I understand that you are upset right now but you need to remember your walking into my territory where my guys have guns and where train to kill. You can not just March right in here acting the way you are."
She yanked her arm out of my hold, "Don't you ever tell me how I should act do you hear me? (She pointed her finger at me) All of you guys look like little boys to me playing a game of gangsters. What you have around here is nothing compared to what I am used too, Now where is my fucking cousin?"
Oh was she pissed, Which I found really hot.
She looked so sexy and right at this moment I wanted to bend her over and show her who really was the boss.
I couldn't believe that she said my gang and I were just playing a game if gangsters, she needed to be punished for that with a nice big smack on her nice round ass.
"Earth to fucking Ace you going to stop fucking looking at me and tell me where you have my family?"
Clearing my throat, "Yea follow me."
I started to head towards my playroom, I had noticed that there were no guards outside guarding the room.
I'll have to talk to my guys about that, I feel like I am more of a father scolding my kids than being a gang leader to them.
Opening the door standing there truly not believe what I was seeing before me.
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I saw TJ and two other guys from my gang with Rosie cousin John-Lucka playing poker.
"What the fuck guys? He is supposed to be tied up and interrogated? Not be playing poker right now with all of you, and where did the fucking poker table come from? (I look off at the corner where my play toys would be.) Where the fuck are my toys?"
"Told you that you guys are only playing gangster." She laughed as she passed me by heading towards her cousin.
I had seen John-Lucka eyes lit up when he had seen Rosie. He got up from his chair and wrapped his arms around her as she did the same.
"Stai bene?" ("Are you ok?") She said unwrapping her arms around him looking him over to make sure that my guys didn't hurt him.
"Sto bene, ma che ci fai qui? Come fai a conoscere questi ragazzi?" ( "I'm fine but what are you doing here? how do you know these guys?") That guy John-Lucka said?
I wondered what they were talking about, but one thing I did know was that she sounded sexy as hell speaking Italian.
"Non importa in questo momento come sono arrivato qui e come conosco questi ragazzi. Finché la tua sicurezza è tutto ciò che conta." ( "It doesn't matter right now how I got here and how I know these guys. As long as your safe that's all that matters.") They hugged once again.
TJ came up beside me hitting my shoulder lightly with his shoulder.
"I told you that she spoke Italian." He had a big smile on his face saying that.
"Ya, I would wipe that smile off of your face if I was you because you have a lot of explaining to do about this so-called poker game and untying John-Luck."
"Well about that, " he started to say but I noticed Rosie walking towards the door with her cousin.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked her.
"Where do you Ace? I'm taking him home." She said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.
I didn't like the way she was speaking to me especially in front of other people.
"He's not going anywhere. I still don't know why he was snooping around my shipping yard." I crossed my arms, I needed to show this woman and my men that I was still in charge.
"Oh my god, (She turned and faced her cousin) John-Lucka just tell him why you where around there so we can leave."
That John-Lucka guy looked at me then said: " I was looking around for my boss."
"Who is your boss? And why the fuck are you speaking English now but when I tried talking to you before you didn't comprehend what I was saying." I was mad this fucking guy has caused me so many problems tonight, I don't fucking care that he is my wife's family I'm going to snap his fucking neck by killing him.
"Ya sorry about that, but I just wanted to see how far your gang would go with there torturing skills, which wasn't a lot. So if I was you I would be working on that big time."
"Where's my gun, give me a fucking gun. This guy is going to die." I said out loud looking for anything that I can use to kill him, I'll show him my torturing skills."
Rosie stepped in front of me, "Dont you even dare think about harming him do you here me and if I find out that you or any of your men hurt him I swear to god ( she leans forward towards me) you will never touch my pussy ever again." She whispered that last part but only I could hear.
This girl knew how to play dirty, and I liked it.
She was feisty which I found very sexy.
"Fine ( I turned to John-Lucka ) thanks to Rosie here she has saved your ass so why don't you tell me now who your boss is."
John-Lucka stood up taller with a big smile on his face.
"My bosses name is Vincenzo, You should know who he is everyone does or you might know him better as The Mafia King.".........
Good Morning or Afternoon to you 🙂
It's getting closer for Rosie's dad and Ace to meet.
I wonder how that is going to turn out.
Placing a Gang Leader & A Big Mofia boss in the same room something gotta happen.