Ace is rude, arrogant a womanizer until he met Rosie.
Only she could change his cold heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Ace didnt until he laid his eyes upon her.
Ace is a Gang Leader who hated the way the Mafia did there business, think...
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It's been a few days since I last saw Ace or even heard from him, I found my self listening to love songs, I had even went so far as buying myself flowers to cheer myself up.
Deep down I know it was all me that was hurting myself from staying away from him but in my head, I just can't let him inside, where my heart is so vulnerable.
Trust me I really do want to open up to him, I want to try this marriage out but I can't.
I was never good at the whole relationship aspect, If I was not good at that then how would I be able to be a wife? I don't even know what love is, I have never been in love before I just had lots of boyfriends but that's about it nothing more.
To me these guys I have dated only filled up a lonely spot inside of me and filled up my spare time that I had when I was not working.
My dad had always said Love is for the poor not for the rick, yes that's rude but that's what he taught me after my mom had left.
Ace hadn't tried to contact me in any way or form, but I had wished that he had so it would give me an excuse to talk to him without him finding out that I missed him.
The other day while I was at work I found some pictures on my phone of myself and of him at the bar.
I must have taken them that night not remember the next day that I had.
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As I was lost in my thoughts just day dreaming about him and what it could be like if I wasn't such a chicken.
My dad was calling me like he noramly does once or twice a day to see how I was doing.
Phone Call:
Rosie - "Ciao." ( "Hello.")
Dad - "Ciao, come stai? Sto solo controllando per vedere se stai bene. Tua zia mi ha detto che non le parlavi da qualche giorno e che era preoccupata per te." ( "Hi, hun how are you doing? Im just checking up to see if you're ok. Your Aunt told me that you have not talked to her in a few days and she was worried about you.")
Rosie - "Oh dille che mi dispiace davvero di non averla chiamata. Sono stato davvero impegnato in un caso, quindi per il prossimo momento non mi sentirai molto, ma ricorda che mi manchi e ti amo." ( "Oh tell her that Im really sorry for not calling her. I have been really busy on a case so for the next little while you won't be hearing much from me but remember I do miss you and love you.")
Dad - "Va bene dolcezza, le farò sapere ma provo a mandarmi un sms almeno mi preoccupo per te." ("Alright sweety I'll let her know but do try to send me a text at least I do worry about you.")
Rosie - "Prometto che lo farò, saluta tutti per me e ci sentiamo presto ciao papà" ( "I promise I will, Say hi to everyone for me and I'll talk to you soon Bye dad")
End of Call
I needed the call so I could get ready before Mark, Dino and Henry show up at my place.
They were picking me up so we could go to Aces Bar tonight.
I needed to retrieve the divorce papers from Ace before the guys and I go out for dinner.
Mark had apologized to me early on in the week for not stopping the wedding from happening.
He said in his defence that he was really drunk out of his mind that he woke up the next morning in the alley behind the bar.
But from what he also had said was that his pants were down to his ankles for some odd reason and a condom still on his penis.
I didn't know what to say to that so the only thing that did come to mind was at least he was a smart drunk and knew to wrap it up.
Going throw my closet trying to find something that screamed sexily but not slut I had come up with this outfit.
My makeup and hair were already done so all I needed to do was to get myself dressed.
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Grabbing my handbag as I was heading out of my front door ready to start my weekend.
Mark pulled up outside of the bar asking me if I wanted him to come along with me but I reassured them that I would be fine and that I won't be taking that long to pick up the papers just in and out that all I needed to do.
Opening the door to Aces Bar placing one of my very famous sweet smiles on my face acting like everything was fine but in all reality, I was very nervous to see him.
We know that Ace did not fill out the paperwork or signed them so I wonder how Rosie is going to that.