Ace is rude, arrogant a womanizer until he met Rosie.
Only she could change his cold heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Ace didnt until he laid his eyes upon her.
Ace is a Gang Leader who hated the way the Mafia did there business, think...
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Dear Ace,
By the time you read this letter, I'll be gone.
Please don't come looking for me if you decide too, I truly just want to be alone.
My heart feels like you have crushed it into a million pieces.
I have tried to convince myself to forgive you but my mind and my heart just can't do it.
If I forgive you then that means I dont love myself but see this is where I do love myself and that's why I can't forgive you foryour infidelity.
The trust that I had for you is no longer there and no matter what I do I just can't get the image of you being with that woman even though I didn't see you two togetherbut in my mindI can picture it.
Of all the woman in the world you had to have sex with her, I truly hope that it was worth it.
I have attached divorce papers to this letter and I do hope that you will sign them and not fight me on this.
If you have ever truly loved me like you said you do then please sign them and let me go.
Well, that's all I need to say, I won't be a bitch and hex you and call you names, I'm to matureto do that.
So I wish you and Daniel a happy life together raising your baby.
Best wishes,
& That is the end of this book but don't you worry there is a sequel to the story.
You will see Rosie and her baby and Ace with Daniel and their baby.
There will be new and old characters that will be joining the second book with new plots and way more action to it. 🙂
Thank you for reading💜
If you liked this story go and check out my two new stories The Secret Life of The Assistant and Harmony.