Chapter 21

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Edited-Sept 5, 2019

Edited-Sept 5, 2019__________________

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I had just left Aces place which I have spent the whole weekend and now it's Monday.

Tonight was going to be a special night but also a very nervous night as well, My two main men in my life were going to meet each other and I do hope everything goes well.

I don't see Ace being the runaway type when he finds out who my father is because he himself has a life like that as well.

My father or him don't know much about one another, I didnt want to get into too many details.

My father knew that I was "dating someone" Ya I didnt have the courage to tell him that I had gotten married and for Ace, I told him that my father was in town for busses.

I just hope everything goes well tonight at dinner that's why I have us meeting at a nice fancy restaurant.

I was driving my pink 1968 Mustang convertible that my dad had bought me last year for my birthday as I was heading over to meet up with Anastasia at her Medical Clinic.

She had called me to inform me that my test results had come in and wanted us to have a little Chit Chat together.


I had pulled up to her Medical Clinic and found myself a parking spot.
Taking my handbag from the seat beside me I get out of my car and press the lock button on my keys.

Heading towards the doors and opening one up.

I see that there was only 1 receptionist behind the desk and the Reception Area was clear.

I welcomed the receptionist with a smile as I handed her my health card.

"Please take a seat you will be called shortly." The receptionist said pointing to the area that I needed to sit down.

Before I was about to take my seat Anastasia had called my name. "Rosie."

We both greeted one another with a hug.

"Please come with me." She said so I had followed her.

We went into a room that looked to be an examining room.

We went into a room that looked to be an examining room

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"Please sit down on the bed." She said gesturing with her hand.

I sat down like she asked and looked at her, I saw that she walked over to her desk picking up a folder then walked back over towards me sitting down on a rolling chair.

She smiles at me and then began to say, " Alright so what I can see is that your tests have come back and everything looks good, but one test that I had run had come out being positive."

"Oh, is that bad? I asked.

" I don't think so."

"Ok well, that's good. Can I fix it?"

"It's something you cant fix well you can fix it but I know Ace would kill you."

"Ummm, ok well what do I do then?" Now I am starting to worry, and why would Ace kill me?

"Well I'll prescribe you some medication for your blood pressure and don't worry this won't cause any harm for your condition, I'm just worried about your blood pressure being so high we need to get it back to normal."

"My condition?" I asked wondering.

" Congratulations you're pregnant, well your about 8 weeks to be exact."

Stunned would be an understatement right now on how I feel.

"Are you sure?" I had asked maybe she might have mixed my papers up with someone else.

"Yes, I am positive." She said back to me.

I knew she meant a double meaning to saying positive.

"I can't believe it, I I I can't remember when that happen wait oh shit, it must have been the night I woke up married to Ace."

"Are you sure this is my brothers baby?" She gave me a look when she asked me that question.

"Are you sure this is my brothers baby?" She gave me a look when she asked me that question

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Is she seriously doubting me right now at this moment?

"Yes, I'm sure it's your brothers because before him I had not had sex for like 6 months and you said I am 8 weeks and the only man I have been sleeping with is my husband." Giving her a look back to her.

" Giving her a look back to her

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We both then started to Laugh.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an Aunt."

"I can't believe Im going to be a mom."

We both had smiles on our faces.

"All happiness aside Rosie I am worried about your blood pressure so I am going to prescribed Labetalol to you, dont worry this won't harm the baby. I prescribed this to all my patients with high blood pressure and it has helped them a lot. I would also like to see you at least once a week to make sure you and baby are ok."

I felt safe with her being my baby doctor I knew I was in good hands with her.....


Rosie is Pregnant  🐣

Is Ace going to be happy about this? What do you think?
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