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; i kinda wanna be more than friends.

I fluttered my eyes open and subconsciously look for a small figure beside me, but I found none.

"Nikki?" I groaned. It would only be occasional when she oversleeps. And today wasn't that day, I guess.

"Calum, we're gonna be late for school. Get out of there and get ready." She peaked from inside the bathroom. She looked cute while she stared at me as she brushed her teeth. Her brunette hair was up in this messy hairstyle that looked both hot and cute at the same time. Her brown eyes mesmerized me. It would some times, in special events, turn green. Even though it really isn't green. She had this petite body, her height: 5'5 and I am 6'2, she's really cute and really hot and it's just confusing. I mean, she looks like wow and I'm like a meh and I don't know why she's even in a relationsh-

Fuck. She isn't in a relationship with me. We're just friends. Friends that pretend to be together. For the sake of our parents and friends. We're just friends that don't have mutual feelings towards each other.

It sucks you know? Not having the person you love, love you as much as you love them. It's sad and it angers me because I barely have what I want. But then I remember: at least I'm best friends with her. At least I know her deepest and darkest secrets. At least I know her in and out.

"Stop staring Calum. Get your fucking ass here now, please." I smiled and shook my head. I stood up and headed over to where she was.

Everything she did. Everything she said. It just makes me wanna squeeze her. I wanna keep a pocket size clone of her. She's nice to look at. She's beautiful, intelligent, fun, hilarious and she loves my kind of music, so I couldn't be more pleased.

"I used to not know that the word fuck and please can be used in the same sentence." She huffed when I finished my sentence. I took my tooth brush and did what I needed to do.

"Oh, Calum, I know girls do that more when you're on their bed." I almost chocked at what she said. We both laughed at her comment.

"Well," I shrugged.

"Calum, that was just a joke, you're ego is so big I can't see you over the size of it." She said as she wiped her face with her towel.

"Is my dick that big?" We laughed more. This was the routine we had: wake up and fix ourselves while hysterically laughing.

We went silent as she left the bathroom to put clothes on while I took a shower. Sometimes I just couldn't take it in that we're not together, that we're not this couple everyone loved but I always looked at the bright side.

And I hate myself for doing that every time. Why? Because I wouldn't make a move. A move that would finally change this all. A move that might result to something good or bad. The good result is: we'd end up together. And that bad result: our friendship would change and we'd slowly drift apart. I don't want that bad one. But hey, I want her to be mine too. 'But this is already good; being best friends with her already makes me happy. So why tuing something this good, right?' I thought to myself.

[ a.n; Is this short? Does this suck already?]

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