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; take it easy on me.

"She's confusing me mate. Even though I know her in and out she still makes me wonder if she does like me or does not like me back." I told Michael. He's my best friend too but we're not like me and Sofia close. Because me and her are like two peas in a pod.

"You're fucking annoying me Cal. Just fucking tell Nikki." He groaned in frustration, I chuckled.

"Tell me what?" She sat beside me. My heart's beating fast. I could not breathe properly.

"Tell you that I'd be bringing you somewhere today." Michael face palmed beside me as I said an excuse to not tell her the truth.

"Well, that's nice. Where are we going then?" She asked, a beautiful smile in her lips.

I swallowed hard. "Um, it's a surprise. I already got it planned out." I faked a smile.

"Calum, what the actual fuck are you hiding from me?" I knew I shouldn't have lied to her. She knows me. She knows me very well.

"The surprise tonight. That's what I'm hiding from you." I said. I didn't really know what to say next. That was another lie. I hope he believes this.

"This better be good, because if not I'll mutilate you." Michael chuckled at her comment. I wanted to laugh to. But I couldn't. With this pressure? Of course I couldn't laugh. I have until tonight to plan. And this better be good. Because I don't wanna be mutilated.

Lunch passed and I haven't even gathered an acceptable idea that would make her feel butterflies.

"I agree with Michael, Calum. I agree because I can see the way she looks at you, the way she laughs when you're around. It- it's wonderful. You should just tell her because I know she feels the same way." Luke said. I wanted to laugh at what he said. I really wanted to. But I couldn't muster up the courage to tell them that I also know she likes someone else.

"How'd you know? I mean we're closer and you guys aren't even that good of friends." I huffed. I didn't mean to be harsh. I am just frustrated about the fact that I will fail. I will fail on winning her heart. I don't want that. Plus, I don't believe things like that. If she feels thy same way she'd tell me. Right? Or maybe not. Because I think she also thinks that if I had feelings for her, I'd tell her.

"Dude. Just fucking do it. No buts, no whys and no doubting yourself. You can do this." Ashton patted my back and flashed me a smile.

"I will. I'll do it but I don't know how." I sighed. I am desperate. For an idea that would blow her mind, for the answer to all if this.

"Fuck it, Calum. Do you want me to tell her instead?" Luke asked. I shook my head. That's the last thing I want.

[ a.n; don't worry this will get exciting soon. ]

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