Height Difference

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~ On my Tumblr, I got an ask in response to a Fictional Kiss post on my blog. This was the result. ~

While not being a fan of physical affection, Lucy had to admit one thing; she loves being kissed. And of course, there was a problem.

Lucy thought it almost embarrassing how the height difference between her and her boyfriend actually wouldn't allow her to be able to kiss him. That giraffe of a man was way to tall. If Lucy wanted to just peck him on the cheek, she'd have to stand on her tiptoes, tug his shoulder enough to lean to one side, and then she was able to kiss him.

Lucy didn't believe in fate, but it almost seemed like the universe was telling her that because she was so short, she wasn't ment for him. That was a thought Lucy couldn't stand.

While lost in these thoughts, Lucy would space out. The conversations around her were drowned into silence as she thought of those - in her opinion - stupid ideas.

"Oi, Luce. You listening?" George snapped his fingers in front of her face, causing her to jump back into reality. Lucy's face became tinted red as she shook her head of all previous thoughts. Or at least, she tried too.

"Sorry George... Lost in thought." She sighed. It did make her feel bad when she ended up ignoring people. At least, ignoring people she actually did want to listen to.

George cocked an eyebrow. "That's been happening a lot as of late. You okay?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine." She put on a fake smile which was nowhere near as good as her boyfriends. And after knowing her for years, George could see right through her fake smile and lie.

"What happened?" He simply asked. While he was very sarcastic and had a hint of apathy to his voice at times, he really did care for his friends.

"Nothing happened." She answered, resting her head in her hands, looking anywhere but George. While she wasn't lying, she didn't want to tell him the truth about her thoughts.

"You're not telling me something." He sounded irritated, but the truth was he was worried. "Come on. Spill the tea."

"It's not important. Let it go, George." Lucy sighed, her eyes fixed on the window that looked over the overgrown lavender bush.

"If it's a recurring thought that causes you to space out, then actually, Lucy, it is important." George stated with that same hint of irritation. But again, it was simply because he was worried. Did something happen over a case?

Lucy looked back at him and sighed. He looked genuinely concerned. And the last thing she wanted was for George to be scared. Without a researcher in a good head space on the team, everything goes to hell.

"I've been thinking about my relationship with Lockwood..." She began, hands fiddling with the hem of her skirt. Her eyes focused on her hands as she looked down to them.

George's eyes widened. What did that mean? Was it bad? Did something happen? Did Lockwood do something? Lucy and Lockwood had been an item for the past two months and no one had seen the two happier. Lockwood bragged about Lucy, saying how amazing she was and how talented she could be (this got on George's nerves after a while). Lucy had just seemed less grumpy all the time. Sure there was that 'wow the world sucks' vibe that came off of her, but now it seemed it wasn't as strong.

So why would Lucy say this?

"Whaddya mean, Luce?" George was actually scared. The last time she got serious was when she left the company. And for that, everyone dodged her serious statements like the plague.

She took a deep breath. "Look, it's not that my feelings have changed or anything. I..." She always found it hard to say 'I love you'. It was like those three words from a foreign language.

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